Dear everyone This is first devlog for Fall of Bali. Development of Fall of Bali has started in late June 2022. We make many concepts based on old version Fall of Bali which developed with Gamemaker Studio in 2015-2016(In July or August 2016, Fall of Bali try Steam Greenlight but not pass). So from June until now, we still in prototype phase but maybe in several weeks or in December we probably enter alpha phase. So this is User Interfaces in Fall of Bali [b]1.Banjar[/b] [img][/img] Banjar is small village in Bali realm. This is place where people live and stay. More banjar built, more people can stay in village/town 2.Granary [img][/img] Place where people keep their foods. More granary bulit, more food can be keep 3.Warehouse [img][/img] Place where people keep their goods. More warehouse bulit, more food can be keep 4.Balai Banjar [img][/img] Balai Banjar is Banjar's center place, place where villagers gathered and training while they recruit in war as militia. Beside it, Balai Banjar is place to coordinate and gather the taxes 5.Puri [img][/img] Puri is place where lords and kings live. This is like 'kraton' in Java where kings or lords live. From this place, government estabilished and control town, village, or state 6.Road [img][/img] For connecting town or villages, people construct the road. 7.Plantation [img][/img] In 19th century, many plantation open in Java and Sumatra to fullfil global demand. Bali not under Dutch colonialism but they open their coffee plantaition. The plantation can only constract in highlands and there are two option: Tea and coffee. So this is what we can explain now. Thank You Sengkala Dev