Mataram's and Karangasem's gameplay Dear Everyone... Is winter has approch in your place or summer? Well in Java quite hot despite now it's rainy season actully. In this post, we would like to introduce Karangasem and Mataram. In previous post, we only introduce 1 each kingdom (Mengwi, Sakra, and Blambangan) and now 2 kingdoms? Why? Kingdom of Mataram is the part of Karangasem's dynasty beside Cakranegara, Pagutan, and Pegangsaan. But all Balinese kingdom in West Lombok has become independent states and in later after Mataram conquered all Balinese kingdoms in Lombok in 1839, Mataram attacked Karangasem in Bali with support Dutch in Bali War III at 1849 where Dutch fight against Buleleng, Karangasem, and Klungkung (the suprame ruler of Bali). In later Karangasem got defeated by Mataram. In other side, Karangasem before conquered by Mataram is the powerful kingdom in Bali. They has proved it with Karangasem's expansion to Lombok with conquered many Sasak kingdom in middle 18 th century. In late 18th century, they conquered Buleleng and in later, Buleleng have same dynasty with Karangasem. Karangasem's gameplay [previewyoutube=3VBSke9mvRs;leftthumb][/previewyoutube] Mataram's gameplay [previewyoutube=ue1tsW57xik;leftthumb][/previewyoutube] If you wonder why in opening scene of Mataram, the narrator called Mataram as Mantraman is in Babad Sakra, Mataram calls as Mantraman although in treaty between Dutch and Mataram used Mataram not Mantraman. Thank you for your attention