Chiefdom of Sakra is one of Sasak's chiefdom in East Lombok and playable to play in Fall of Bali. According Babad Sakra (Chronicle of Sakra), Chiefdom of Sakra established in 1780 by descendant of Kingdom of Pejanggik who fleed to Sumbawa after Karangasem and Banjar Getas attack in 1740's. This attack lead many Sasak kingdoms collapsed from Pejanggik to Selaparang which mentioned in opening of Sakra and established of Karangasem's dynasty (Balinese) in West Lombok and Banjar Getas(Sasak) cheifdom in Praya. The story of Pejanggik's desctruction explained in Babad Lombok (Chronicle of Lombok). Here the gameplay of Sakra about 10 minutes. Loading scene quite long depending on your laptop or computer play Fall of Bali [previewyoutube=aLzy7S4kPeU;leftthumb][/previewyoutube] Descendant of Kingdom of Pejanggik established village in Sakra which very near from old Pejanggik's site like Knaot tombs where Pejanggik's family ruler buried. In same time, Karangasem's dyansty divided in 4 kingdoms from Mataram, Pegangsaan, Pagutan, and Cakranegara. This give chance for Sasak's in East Lombok reestablish their power when Balinese not so powerful like before. Chiefdom of Sakra destroyed by Cakranegara's attack in 1820 and in later, Sakra involved in uprising against Mataram in 1891-1894 which lead the Dutch intervantion West Lombok and start the Dutch colonialism in Lombok. You can join our discord channel in thank you