Dear everyone Long time not posting anything on here. For the demo we still develop the AI for better demo and preparation for releasing the game. For now we will explain about the condition and difficulty for each kingdom. There are 5 elements: [list] [*] Prestige: prestige is a crucial element in Fall of Bali as main parameter in diplomacy and become "Emperor of Bali and Lombok" or "Susuhunan of Bali and Lombok Prestige can collect from winning a battle or several historical events. More prestige is, more popular the kingdom or chiefdom. [*]Wealth: Number of money or known as Kepeng and Rixdollar in this game. More wealth the kingdom more power can build! [*]Position:How strategic the location. If located in Java like Blambangan, their's position very risky. [*]Stability:Stability is a crucial element for kingdom in managing people. More higher the stability more stable the state while more, lower the stability more risk the revolt. [*] Difficulity: How difficult is kingdom when player starts playing the kingdom. [/list] [b]1.Kingdom of Badung[/b] [img][/img] Kingdom of Badung's difficulty is easiest among other Balinese kingdoms since Badung have a strategic location in Southern Bali with Kuta and Tuban. While Mengwi's power is deceasing as losing Blambangan and Badung's released from Mengwi's influence in 1788/ [previewyoutube=25GBKkYKltU;full][/previewyoutube] [b]2.Kingdom of Mengwi[/b] [img][/img] Kingdom of Mengwi's difficulty is easy, as in 1767, Mengwi's power still strong but many problems will happen as Blambangan targeted by Dutch. [previewyoutube=JvWr5up-qyk;full][/previewyoutube] [b]3.Kingdom of Tabanan[/b] [img][/img] Kingdom of Tabanan's difficulty is easy, as in 1767, Tabanan's power quite strong and has strong influence among Balinese kings although the wealth not so rich as Mengwi. [previewyoutube=mBhXRntfEb0;full][/previewyoutube] [b]4.Kingdom of Buleleng[/b] [img][/img] Kingdom of Buleleng's difficulity is moderate as in 1767, Buleleng's position very good in trading. They must facing Karangasem and many Balinese kingdoms in order restore the mighty Buleleng in past. [previewyoutube=MAow8w0M0w0;full][/previewyoutube] [b]5.Kingdom of Gianyar[/b] [img][/img] Kingdom of Gianyar's difficulty is hard as in 1771, a new power is rising in South Bali and made the prestige and wealth of Manggis dynasty and around Gianyar, all potential enemy has waiting especially Klungkung and Mengwi. [previewyoutube=Xscz0hxX7aU;full][/previewyoutube] [b]6.Kingdom of Klungkung[/b] [img][/img] Kingdom of Klungkung's difficulty is easy, as in 1767, Klungkung still maintain as "Susuhunan of Bali and Lombok"/'Emperor of Bali and Lombok" and have strong prestige among all Balinese kings. Although Klungkung hold title of Susuhunnan, all Balinese kings only recognized Klungkung as spiritual leaders, not their supreme master. [previewyoutube=YjCxfK-ruww;full][/previewyoutube] [b]7.Kingdom of Bangli[/b] [img][/img] Kingdom of Bangli's difficulty is hard as in 1767, Bangli's prestige and wealth not so good while the position is landlocked and surrounded with several small Bali kingdoms and strong power like Klungkung. [Opening of Kingdom of Bangli still under process] [b]8.Kingdom of Jembrana[/b] [img][/img] Kingdom of Jembrana's difficulty is hard as in 1767, Jembrana's position very near with Blambangan and becomes a target for several kingdoms and powers who want control Strait of Bali. In other hand, Jembrana under control Mengwi. [previewyoutube=gZXoJjDklpY;full][/previewyoutube] [b]9.Kingdom of Karangasem[/b] [img][/img] Kingdom of Karangasem's difficulty is moderate as in 1767, Karangasem will face a potential conflict with Klungkung while Karangasem's dynasty in Lombok as fall aparated to several kingdoms. [previewyoutube=w90dh0dhy7A;full][/previewyoutube] [b]10.Kingdom of Mataram[/b] [img][/img] Kingdom of Mataram's difficulty is moderate as in 1767, Mataram's prestige still not popular among Balinese kings while Mataram facing 3 Karangasem's dynasty kingdom in West Lombok from Pagutan, Pegangsaan, and the strongest, Cakranegara. [Opening of Kingdom of Mataram still under process] [b]11.Chiefdom of Sakra[/b] [img][/img] Chiefdom of Sakra's difficulty is hard as in 1780, Sakra founded and appears as small chiefdom in East Lombok. While in Central Lombok there are Cheifdom of Memelek and in West Lombok, there are 4 Balinese kingdoms. [previewyoutube=Zvx0Kui-FB4;full][/previewyoutube] [b]12.Kingdom of Blambangan[/b] [img][/img] Kingdom of Blambangan's difficulty is hardest as in 1767, Blambangan will face Dutch invasion while Blambangan still under Mengwi's control. Dutch invasion will be a frequent threat as Blambangan still independent state among many regions in Java at that time. [previewyoutube=X2Mqgyhuo0M;full][/previewyoutube] So this is what we can tell about all kingdoms. In later we will explain about troops and cultures Follow Sengkala Dev at to know more the latest development and join Sengkala forum in Discord Thank you