[h2]Patch 0.31[/h2] New Stats by Round window is here: see what towers are performing the best and build on their success! [h3]Bugfixes[/h3] [list][*] Fix incorrect fallback keyword for skybox shader [*] Home tower will properly load XP when resuming a saved game [*] Fix alignment of Others line in Bestiary window [*] Fix dictionary errors in looking up stats by round [*] Fix possible error with tooltip not refreshing properly [*] Optimize tower targeting code for better performance at high game speeds [*] Optimize Tile Elevate code for better performance when map is large [*] Fix Gravity Tower using EMP Tower projectile [*] Fix error where the Achievements Tooltip wouldn't properly clear after MouseOut, leading to it accumulating more and more child elements until the in-game buttons were no longer usable 🙃 [/list] [h3]Gameplay & Balance Changes[/h3] [list][*] All home towers have had Home added to their name to differentiate them in the stats windows [*] Highlight own score on Leaderboards [*] Show Highlight based on best round reached in a game mode on Game Over screen [*] Lower maximum game speed to 3 [*] Change game speed increments to 0.25 from 0.5 [*] Add ability to change maximums through unlocks for game speed, maximum map points, card draw size [/list] [h3]New Content & Misc.[/h3] [list][*] Enemy info in the Bestiary is now shrouded from the player until the enemy is encountered in-game [*] Add mysterious details about Enemy color-coding past round 25 to Bestiary [*] Replace Discord link with Demo Survey link on Main Menu [*] Add more perks for increased starting health, money [*] Add icons for Terror Level and Enemy Strength [*] Add separate skybox colors for each map mode [*] Add best round / score / current leaderboard rank to New Game Window [/list] [h3]Known Issues[/h3] [list][*] Toggleable Perks are off for now [/list] Thanks for taking the time out to try the Terrorformer TD demo! We hope you enjoy it!