[h2]Patches 0.28a/b/c[/h2] [h3]Bugfixes[/h3] [list][*] Fix $0 sale price on first round Tower built [*] Ensure Application Settings are saved even if Settings window isn't closed [*] Fix Towers Built / Enemies Killed By achievements not counting properly [/list] [h3]Gameplay & Balance Changes[/h3] [list][*] Change Elevate to raise Tile in increments of 1 instead of 3; change Max Height to 10 [*] Increase Ice Tower Slow effect & splash size [*] Increase Laser Tower firing speed [/list] [h3]New Content & Misc.[/h3] [list][*] Add Progress Bars to Achievements Window; mouseover the bar for full details of unlock progress [*] Add more Achievements based on different stat counters [*] Revamp tutorial [/list] [h3]Known Issues[/h3] [list][*] Tooltips can be a bit wonky at the moment [*] Turn off Toggleable perks for now [/list] Thanks for taking the time out to try the Terrorformer TD demo! We hope you enjoy it!