[h2]Patches 0.26a, 0.27a/b/c/d/e[/h2] 0.27a: Soft launch demo. Enjoy! [h3]Bugfixes[/h3] [list] [*] Fix bug where home tower weapon wouldn't properly clear on game load [*] Fix bug where selecting a new tower or spell wouldn't change what was shown in the Info Window immediately [*] Fix bug where enemy spawn list was always cumulative and didn't reset after each round [*] Fix bug with Black Hole warp status not working [*] Attempt to fix bug where player gets stuck in modal window such as Card Unlock Progress during tutorial [*] Fix bug where map points not properly re-set when loading a game/hitting undo all [*] Fix bug where bottom menu panel is re-set to base management phase when exiting to menu and resuming during enemy attack phase [/list] [h3]Gameplay & Balance Changes[/h3] [list][*] Split out Unlockables into separate window from Achievements [*] Change Enhancements to be Roguelite perks, rather than Loadout items to assign [*] Adjust and rebalance Spell and Tower unlocks upto level 32 [*] Remove One-Round Boosts from Post Round Window; add Science->Health Exchange [*] Add max tile height for Elevate terraform ability [*] Change spatial partitioning for enemies to favor a more balanced spawn [*] Add per tick regen to all 3 bosses [/list] [h3]New Content & Misc.[/h3] [list][*] Tweak skybox and lighting transitions one more time [*] Update main menu logo to higher res version [*] Add Home Tower Preview to New Game window [*] Add/change all Spells in-game; bring all 13 Spells into game [*] Add new achievements based on Tower type [*] Add more detail to Leaderboard entries [*] Change Leaderboard Score formula to result in much more reasonable numbers [*] Change Steam Cloud to use Auto-Cloud, rather than Cloud API calls [*] Add before->after tower level in Info Window when Elevating Tile with Tower on top [/list] [h3]Known Issues[/h3] [list][*] Post Round Window is blank when reopened during a loaded saved game [*] Spell buttons are not re-enabled when exiting to main menu and returning to game during Enemy Attack phase [/list] Thanks for taking the time out to try the Terrorformer TD demo! We hope you enjoy it!