Thanks to everyone who has bought and supported Terrorformer TD since it came out last month! We are excited to share the first planned update with the world, which patches both the Demo and Full Game to the same version (1.044). As mentioned in the [url=]last post[/url], this patch mostly addresses the game's terraforming system and map generation algorithms, with a focus on increasing variety across game sessions and overall replayability. [img][/img] Map erosion and growth has been greatly increased, with the battlefield changing more drastically from round-to-round and after each ring of spawn tiles has been closed. Players must now purchase packs of terraforming actions at the Science Shop like any other upgrade or tower unlock; terraforming actions each have their own currency and no longer spend from a common pool of Map Points. [img][/img] [h2]1.4 Changelog: [/h2] [h3]Gameplay & Balance Changes:[/h3] [list] [*] Excavate can remove Blocker tiles now [*] Player can no longer Seal Spawn Tiles; instead they have a chance to Seal after each round (the higher the Terror level, the greater the chance) [*] Sealing all Spawn Tiles in a ring still expands the map outwards, but the algorithm for doing so has been changed to prioritize creating more interesting map shapes as the game goes on [*] Extend has been added as a Terraforming Action; adds a Path Tile to an empty neighbor of a map edge tile [*] Shift has been added as a Terraforming Action; lets the player move Spawn Tiles (and any attached Spawner) to any Path Tile with a valid path to the player's home tower. [/list][h3]New Content & Other:[/h3] [list] [*] Science Shop no longer pops up automatically after each round [*] Wave Info window is now displayed by hovering/clicking a Spawner [*] Enemy Info window can be displayed by hovering/clicking an Enemy [*] Demo Version: grey out Achievements that require the Full Game [*] Adjust / Improve Terraforming Actions VFX & SFX [*] Give more space / focus to terraforming sequences so player gets a better idea of what is changing [*] Add floating text before/after each round for effect [/list][h3]Bugfixes & Known Issues:[/h3] [list] [*] Update project to latest Unity 2022 LTS to address Render Texture issue (home tower preview on new game screen) and Mac/Linux missing icons issue [*] Address some issues with tower/game stats dictionaries missing entries when setting/getting values [*] Escape key should behave more consistently across all open windows now [*] NB: Tutorial tips are disabled for now [/list] [h2]Future Planned Updates:[/h2] [h3]November (1.5): [/h3] [list] [*] Custom Map Editor (Steam Workshop) [*] Non-Roguelike mode (buy upgrades/unlocks directly) [*] Real-time mode (timed preparation phase, can only pause game by exiting to menu) [/list] [h3]December (1.6): [/h3] [list] [*] Map editor updates (more control over available towers/spells/enemies) [*] UI Updates (new game, bestiary, game over) [*] More detailed in-game stats [*] New Currency (Red Gems): spend from main menu to permanently boost stats across all matches [/list]