We've just sent out the first 500 keys for the increasingly inaccurately named February Beta! If you're not on [url=https://suspiciousdevelopments.com/mail/]our mailing list[/url] or haven't opted in yet, there's still time. We plan to send out 2,500 more keys, in batches, over the next month or so. Just [url=https://suspiciousdevelopments.com/mail/]sign up[/url] and make sure to check the relevant boxes. If you're already on there, we won't add you twice. The full game is ready to test now, but we're doing things a little differently this time. If you get an invite, you'll first get access to the first 75% of the campaign. We'll then wait to see who fills in their feedback forms on what they've played, and periodically invite those folks into a beta that includes the game's final act. Most testers don't give feedback, so we just wanna make sure we don't give the full game to too many people without getting what we need in return. Cheers! Tom