Thanks to all who jumped to the nextversion branch to try our new patch. All looks good, so it's now live for everyone! Just a lil one: [h3]Patch Notes (2024-06-05-2-Demo)[/h3] [list] [*] Did you know you can re-play earlier levels with your current perks? Well you couldn't, because it caused a black screen. Fixed that. [*] Our credits were a) spilling off the screen due to Unity adding extra line breaks to them every time the file was saved, and b) ugly as sin. We've made them nice now, they even have tabs! [*] Fixed a volume issue and an animation desync on our main titles, after the prologue. [*] Using Chain Shock would create a redundant rewind state where nothing had actually changed. Now it doesn't! [*] We made the Wishlist button on the end screen look 400% more clickable, cos it is clickable. [*] The difficulty options menu layout would glitch sometimes. We decided it shouldn't. [/list] Wizard responsibly, where practical.