Hello everyone! Today we have a big version increase from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1, AMAZING, I know. This is because we're preparing for another switch patch which benefits from splitting up the updates in big chunky numbers. Anyway! Some fun fixes and even new features for today! [h3]Changes[/h3] [list] [*] Added Online Leaderboards for the Daily Mountain challenge! [*] To help you with the daily mountain you now get two random Spirit Powers to help you! [*] Fixed the player's progress sometimes not being correctly loaded into the current player when continuing a suspended run. [*] Fixed a bug where jumping while rolling in a ball on the ground would shoot you in strange directions. [*] Fixed a bug where grabbing physics objects with two hands and then releasing in a pattern would allow you to fly all over the map with them. [*] Fixes for the altimeter sometimes not showing what you'd expect. [*] Fixes for the incorrect time being shown for runs on the Daily Mountain. [*] Extra checks the finish flag for the Daily Mountain always spawns. [*] Fixes for the procedural music on routes sometimes getting stuck. [*] Made walljumps slightly more intuitive. [*] Removed the invisible wall in Starwatching. [*] Tweaked the model for the throwable rope. Now no longer looks like it can be picked up after throwing. [*] Made the CatOwner questline more likely to appear. [*] Fix for interior players sometimes behaving oddly when continuing from a suspended run. [*] Changed naming convention for savefile backups. [*] Fix for unintuitive behaviour on the Spirit Totem menu. [*] Fix for floating grabby creature being able to pull the player and objects inside geometry. [/list] Hope to see you all on the leaderboards!