Hi everyone, I'm Azael, the creator of Park Studio. It is with a lot of sadness that I am announcing the end of the Park Studio project... The development of the project will be put in the background starting today, meaning updates will take about 3 to 5 times longer to produce if I even have the motivation to continue working on this failing project. This is solely the result of the sudden appearance of competition, that Park Studio was set to compete with. The competing game was released soon before Park Studio's first major update, and the game studio pushed marketing to an unprecedented level causing Park Studio's update to be entirely skipped by content creators and players. Creators that were partners of Creye Games have not responded to the emergency of the incoming Park Studio failure, and by extension participated in the fall of the project favoriting the competing game that released as an incomplete, unpolished game with predatory business strategies that are somehow normalized and generally accepted by players. I am extremely sad, ashamed and disgusted by everything that has been happening since the first release of Park Studio. The incredibly harmful negativity that followed Alpha 0.2's update truly hit me hard and caused some level of depression to surface. Of course there has been a lot of positivity from players and a lot of hope and support, but unfortunately negativity hits harder than positivity. The decision to put the Park Studio project in stand-by is related to the lack of funding to develop the game, the ongoing Kickstarter is clearly failing and the recent spike in game sales is getting entirely refunded causing a hole to be dug in finances. The project is not generating enough revenue to keep being developed full-time, and potentially not viable at all due to the fierce competition that appeared early in development. Players that currently have access to the game will keep their access and Patreon supporters that had access to the Patreon branch will keep their advantages, but the Alpha 0.2.1 preview branch will not be publicly available. Support for the game will stop starting today, there will be no more bug fixes, the suggestions channel in the Discord will be locked and the Creye Games Discord server will be put in hibernation until something happens, if anything ever happens. Thanks to all the Park Studio players, your creations were truly amazing to see... Thanks to all the players that reported bugs and made clever suggestions helping the game evolve, and thanks to the content creators for their initial support. Have a nice day everyone. 🎢