Park Studio Alpha 0.1.1
Author: AzaelOff,
published 7 months ago,
[b]This update includes the following improvements:[/b]
- Coaster bases are now a little bit longer.
- The right side of the coaster editor is now a little wider, to make space for the new "Tangent Size".
- The new "Tangent Size" (Tightness) has been improved, the range is now from 1 to 10 000 (previously 0 - 4000), making it easier to smooth large elements (especially useful for Hyper / Giga coasters).
- A new tangent visualizer has been added to coaster nodes, it should help making smooth curves easier. The visualizer can be disabled in the gameplay options.
- The default values for stations, launches, brakes, etc are now different based on real life observations.
- Multiple coaster nodes can now be edited at once, coaster nodes will also change color when selected.
- Resetting a node now resets the tangents on top of resetting its rotation.
- Trains will now reset to a block when closing coasters.
- Camera Collision in fly mode can now be disabled in the options.
- A new filter section has been added to the side of the Scenery menu, the same filter section will be added to more menus later on.
- Track components will now generate without gaps between nodes.
- Stations now generate the components related to the "Dispatch Device".
- The tutorial has been entirely revamped, it is now visual and interactive.
- Removed the block condition for spawning trains, trains can now be added to single-block coasters.
[b]Bug fixes:[/b]
- The Path and Coaster node's arrows will now use the selection color instead of red when selected.
- Removed the track in the background of the Main Menu as it caused performance issues in the menu.
- Trains now despawn when deleting a coaster. Note: When undoing, the train will not be spawned back.
- Loading a coaster now loads the correct data for each node.
- Tire wheels now display with correct texture and color.
[b]IMPORTANT NOTE:[/b] While the coaster editor is extremely flexible, some angles or combination of angle and tangent can cause the track to drastically deform and potentially break your coaster. We recommend editing the track at a slow pace and to only build feasible layouts. As a reminder, Park Studio is not a fantasy game, so building things that wouldn't exist in the real world will cause issues, and will not be regarded as bugs.
We are currently working on a video tutorial series that will cover the systems of Park Studio from basic to advanced, if you have ideas for what should be covered in this series, please tell us in [url=]our Discord[/url]!