Update 1.13.6 Released
Author: Felis,
published 6 months ago,
An update to No More Room in Hell has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart No More Room in Hell. The major changes include:
[*]The game now includes a full sound cache, this resolves noticeable framerate hitches when playing sounds for the first time, especially for users with slower disk drives
[*]Improved tension calculation in the dynamic music system (#1482)
[*]Tweaked runner pursuit dynamic music playlist, songs with lengthy intros have been cut
[*]Updated the localization files:
[*]With thanks to community translators: [b]Blueberryy, Klowby, MakinDay, marcielcps, MsLGXC, Plazehorta, RicecakeHuman, Uncut[/b]
[*]Want to localize NMRiH to your own language? [url=https://github.com/nmrih/nmrih-localization-files]Visit our localization repository on GitHub.[/url]
[*]Fixed bow arrows disappearing when fired at a certain distance (#1479)
[*]Fixed certain ambient sounds such as room tones cutting short (#1482)
[*]Fixed command "snd_restart" not restarting all ambient sounds in-game
[*]Fixed converted ambient sounds having incorrect audible distance or looping forever
[*]Fixed occasional crash when selecting an item from a supply crate
[*]Fixed score rolling over with 2048 or more kills
[*]Fixed speaker options crashing on the main menu
[h2]Changes for mappers and modders[/h2]
[*]Added "Ammo Fill Min/Max" keyfields to ammobox entities
[*]Added opt-in keyfield to support MP3 looping, fixes an issue on existing maps where one-shot MP3 sounds loop forever due to incorrect spawnflags
[*]Added weapon progress trigger support for "item_zippo"
[*]Entity "point_viewcontrol_multiplayer" now turns on the camera when input "AddPlayer" is fired
[*]Fixed !activator not working for "OnEndUse" on "trigger_progress_use" and "trigger_progress_weapon" (#1473)
[*]Fixed hold time for "point_viewcontrol_multiplayer" not working when following a target
[*]Fixed "point_viewcontrol_multiplayer" not turning on the camera for chosen players when input "Enable" is fired for the first time
[*]Fixed movement speed modifiers not resetting the absolute max speed
[*]Fixed zombie input "BecomeShambler" not working properly
[*]FMOD: Improved ambient sound audible distance, now more closely matches "ambient_generic"
[*]MapHack: Added function "$filter", removes entities by matching keyvalues
[*]MapHack: Fixed "$modify" ignoring multiple keyvalue filters (#1474)
[*]VScript: Added CConvars function RegisterAdminCommand(), creates a console command that can be only executed by server admins, otherwise it's identical to RegisterCommand()
[*]VScript: Fixed CItem_InventoryBox function AllowEmpty() not working properly
[h2]Changes for server admins[/h2]
[*]Added cvar "sv_infection_bypass", ported from Ryan's QoL plugin
[*]Added cvar "sv_barricade_show_damage", ported from Ryan's QoL plugin
[*]Cvar "sv_bullet_bypass_player" no longer has a cheat flag
[*]Fixed incorrect dynamic music playlist
[*]Added dialogue captions
[*]Fixed radio dialogue looping forever
[*]Fixed outdoor shadows and incorrectly lit props
[*]Removed a single fence in front of the entrance to the control room
[*]Removed clips from the staircase leading to the upper floor of the control room
[*]Small adjustments to some item pools to reduce RNG
[*]Zombies will now be pushed away from the spawn fence gate when it's being opened
[*]Added dialogue captions
[*]Fixed finale radio dialogue playing for too long
[*]Added dialogue captions
[*]Fixed extraction helicopter dialogue looping forever
[*]Fixed weird reflection on mud texture
[*]Tank now properly goes backwards when all players are extracted or when extraction expires