An update to No More Room in Hell has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart No More Room in Hell. The major changes include: [h2]Additions[/h2] [list] [*]Added ability to drop all selected ammo by right clicking in the radial wheel (#1280) [*]Added barricade board sounds for damaging and breaking [*]Added client option "FOV can be altered by gameplay" [*]Added hints to loading screen [*]Added initial draw animation to 1911, Glock 17, and M92FS [*]Added new viewmodel animations to frag grenade and Deer Hunter bow [list] [*]Contributed by Silent [/list] [*]Added new viewmodel hands that match the current player model [list] [*]Models and animations contributed by Mage6614 and Silent [/list] [*]Added option for random character voice set (#1263) [*]Added server command "extendmap" for admins, temporarily extends map time limit, in minutes [*]Added validation to challenge mode results: [list] [*]Actions such as toggling cheats, changing gameplay cvars, running custom maphacks / scripts etc. will now invalidate runs [*]Can be enabled with cvar "sv_challenge_validate" [*]Invalid results will be rejected and not saved, this is indicated by a warning message and yellow HUD timer [/list] [/list] [h2]Changes[/h2] [list] [*]Allow players to shove during fire mode change [*]Allow players to shove during ironsight raise / lower animation [*]Allow players to shove while carrying a prop [*]Allow players to shove while switching e-tool mode [*]Character Select now lists all voice sets when random model is selected [*]Crawlers no longer have immunity to body damage in realism mode [*]Death notices are no longer sent for NPCs other than zombies [*]Flame kills are now correctly attributed to inflicting players (e.g. from fuel canisters, chain reactions) [*]Flare gun projectiles now pass through players, when friendly fire is off [*]Gunshot suicides now play an impact sound, and interrupt voice lines [*]Improved barricade hammer responsiveness [*]Improved fire extinguisher responsiveness [*]Improved font rendering on in-game HUD text [*]Improved melee hit detection [*]Increased item share drop distance [*]Main menu buttons are now localizable [*]Main menu manual now links to community guide "A Complete Guide to NMRiH" [*]Medical item sounds are now more audible [*]More responsive targeting for item sharing, now traces nearby player hull [*]New player avoidance method: [list] [*]Players can now phase through others, and only be pushed back slightly if you stay within their collision point [*]Players standing still won't be pushed away [/list] [*]Optimized item glows by removing gaussian blur when shader quality is set to low (#1038) [*]Optimized lag compensation by not adjusting players when they aren't infected (without friendly fire) [*]Players can now shove after firing a weapon (after maximum delay of 0.5 seconds) [*]Realism mode now only affects zombies (i.e. custom NPCs, birds etc. take damage as usual) [*]Reduced zombie physics object hit distance (#765) [*]Shared item no longer drops when player goes out of reach [*]Shoving no longer drains stamina when hitting the world [*]Sound fade on gunshot suicide now matches the screen fade [*]Sound pitch is now scaled by host_timescale [*]Updated the localization files [*]VGUI now uses FMOD for audio playback [/list] [h2]Fixes[/h2] [list] [*]Fixed all results being displayed as "Random Objectives" by timer HUD if server switches to challenge mode late [*]Fixed "Animation doesn't play for second barricade if you try to place multiple" (#1114) [*]Fixed "Animations sometimes freeze when using" (#912) [*]Fixed "Autojoin causes wrong view height" (#1208) [*]Fixed "Barricade point is blocked!" message not being localized [*]Fixed being able to shoot through walls with a bow (#1156) [*]Fixed being able to skip e-tool switch animation [*]Fixed "Chainsaw always shows as full in radial" (#1222) [*]Fixed "Chainsaw infinite fuel when used inside a supply drop" (#992) [*]Fixed challenge mode blitz timer not beeping while in the menu [*]Fixed challenge timers not being updated for players spawning late [*]Fixed "Cleaver has the flashlight in the wrong hand" (#986) [*]Fixed client-side death notice not appearing in console when player get killed by zombie [*]Fixed common Linux crash relating to achievements [*]Fixed crash when attempting to start next objective during warmup [*]Fixed cvar "fov_desired" not being clamped [*]Fixed demo playback icons lingering on timer HUD [*]Fixed demo record and stop sounds playing improperly [*]Fixed demo support's bookmark event not being logged [*]Fixed demo timer overlapping with chat dialog [*]Fixed "droptest" command exploit [*]Fixed e-tool animation jitter on switch [*]Fixed entity "logic_progress" sending messages without recipients [*]Fixed event "wave_complete" being fired twice by both client / server (fixes saturated wave complete sound) [*]Fixed fire mode HUD jitter [*]Fixed "FireOutput server crash on objective completed" (#1129) [*]Fixed flare gun explosion kills not being attributed correctly [*]Fixed flickering cursor while rotating a model in character select [*]Fixed flickering sprite when staring at the sun [*]Fixed "Game plays greetings NG sound if supply drop comes after 1st wave" (#1181) [*]Fixed gameplay altered FOV not being scaled properly on non-default settings [*]Fixed "Greenlit background has incorrect aspect ratio" (#1289) [*]Fixed item giving not cancelling on shove [*]Fixed listen servers not being announced to master server on initial load [*]Fixed "M9 world model is paired up with maglite regardless if player has maglite equipped" (#25) [*]Fixed main menu music not stopping when entering a map using console [*]Fixed map completion achievements being awarded if player extracts by console or script [*]Fixed MapHack's connections block not working during pre-entity [*]Fixed misc. issues with extraction preview camera (#1284) [*]Fixed "Multiple props on moving brushes significantly degrade performance" (#1198) [*]Fixed "nmrih_game_state's restartround freezing server" (#1179) [*]Fixed objective text being out of position after resolution change [*]Fixed players being unable to switch ironsights underwater [*]Fixed "Players in join screen block spawn points" (#1299) [*]Fixed "Players unable to cast vote after missing previous vote result" (#1295) [*]Fixed previous map loading screen persisting on level change [*]Fixed radial wheel border transparency [*]Fixed rare crash involving ammo radial wheel on level change [*]Fixed rare crash when holstering a grenade [*]Fixed rich presence not working when initializing late [*]Fixed rulesets not being listed by "change difficulty" callvote [*]Fixed "Scan Out" effect on game_text (#880) [*]Fixed "Server crash during lag compensation" (#1287) [*]Fixed server crash with voice commands [*]Fixed server-side death notices not appearing in dedicated server console when "sv_deathnotice" is enabled [*]Fixed server-side Workshop maps not being removed properly when multiple servers are running in same directory [*]Fixed servers with SourceTV bot showing incorrect max. players on Discord rich presence [*]Fixed "Shotgun reload sound spam" (#843) [*]Fixed SourceTV bot being able to join the game via "joingame" command [*]Fixed sv_cheats cvar bypass by executing commands on same frame [*]Fixed "sv_realism 1 does not apply to fa_winchester_1892" (#1154) [*]Fixed text being truncated early in several game UI elements [*]Fixed "Third person character models do not point the flashlight straight" (#1095) [*]Fixed VGUI image buttons being clickable with other than left mouse button [*]Fixed "Viewmodel walking animation is delayed" (#1195) [*]Fixed VScript stack overflow on entity think function (#1292) [*]Fixed VScript's TraceHullComplex() crashing the game (#1298) [*]Fixed warning "Can't record a demo while playing a demo" being displayed on demo playback [*]Fixed "Zombie died." death notice when zombies die in flames [/list] [h2]Changes for mappers and modders[/h2] [list] [*]Added cvar "sv_wave_enable_cycle" to enable/disable wave cycles for zombie spawning [*]Added entity "env_instructor_hint" [*]Added entity "fog_volume" (#1301) [*]Added entity "point_message_multiplayer" (#1305) [*]Added game event "challenge_invalid", fired when a run is rejected during challenge mode [*]Added opt-in support for previously obsolete "OnPlayerExtracted" output on "func_nmrih_extractionzone" (#1283) [*]Added output "OnEndUse" to trigger_progress entities [*]Added outputs "OnOpen" and "OnClose" to entity "item_inventory_box" [*]Added support for bird NPCs from HL2 (npc_crow / npc_pigeon / npc_seagull) [*]Added support for cycling and crossfading main menu backgrounds [*]Added support for hand models on viewmodels [*]Added user message "ItemBoxUpdate" to inventory boxes (#1209) [*]Added zone letter override to entity "func_safe_zone" [*]Barricade boards now have a classname "nmrih_barricade_prop" [*]Ruleset: Added better support for map defined cvars (i.e. logic_ruleset) [*]Ruleset: Added "RevertCvar" to logic_ruleset and VScript, reverts given cvar to ruleset value (when available), or default [*]Ruleset: Added "Script" field for running VScript file on load [*]Ruleset: Added server command "ruleset_validate", checks if current ruleset / difficulty is modified, and prints all altered cvars [*]Ruleset: Checksum (file SHA1) is now included in "challenge_start" & "challenge_end" game events as "rs_hash" string [list] [*]Used for run validation e.g. by moderators of speedrun sites, since 1.12.3 rulesets are shipped as raw .txt, and they're trivial to edit [/list] [*]Ruleset: logic_ruleset & VScript bindings no longer flag rulesets as modified [*]Ruleset: Now handling missing rulesets more gracefully [*]Ruleset: Removed encryption, .ctx files have been converted back to readable .txt [*]Vote HUD now displays multi-option votes (#1282) [/list] [h3]VScript[/h3] [list] [*]Added CItem_InventoryBox bindings [*]Added CObjectiveManager singleton [*]Added function CBasePlayer::CanPickupObject() [*]Added Version singleton (for version labels, build numbers, etc.) [*]Included better descriptions for NMRiH player bindings [/list] [h3]VScript updates from [url=]Mapbase[/url][/h3] [list] [*]Added CBaseCombatCharacter hook: int RelationshipPriority(entity, def) - Called when a character's relationship priority for another entity is requested. Returning a number will make the game use that priority instead of the default priority. [*]Added CBaseCombatCharacter hook: int RelationshipType(entity, def) - Called when a character's relationship to another entity is requested. Returning a disposition will make the game use that disposition instead of the default relationship. [*]Added function CBaseAnimating::ResetSequenceInfo() [*]Added function CBaseAnimating::StudioFrameAdvance() [*]Added function Entities.DisableEntityListening() - Disables the 'OnEntity' hooks. [*]Added function Entities.EnableEntityListening() - Enables the 'OnEntity' hooks. This function must be called before using them. [*]Added global hook: void OnEntityCreated(entity) - Called when an entity is created. [*]Added global hook: void OnEntityDeleted(entity) - Called when an entity is deleted. [*]Added global hook: void OnEntitySpawned(entity) - Called when an entity spawns. [/list] [h1]Maps[/h1] [h2]nmo_rockpit[/h2] [list] [*]Added over 15 occluders [*]Added more hint brushes and areaportals [*]Added fade out distances to some props [*]Replaced fog trigger with fog_volume [*]Tweaked the upper floor of the surface building [/list] [h2]nmo_underground[/h2] [list] [*]Added filter for VPhysics clip [*]Added garage [*]Added instructor hint for elevator's generator [*]Added more spawn points for smoke grenades [*]Added new key spawn point [*]Fixed not being able to pick up 308 ammo in truck in elevator area [*]Reworked first key location area [*]Tweaked few clips [/list] [h2]nms_camilla[/h2] [list] [*]Replaced all game_text with instructors [/list]