Steam Beta Branch coming live for Patch 1.09.4, read for details on how to test
Author: Bubka3,
published 9 years ago,
We've just made patch 1.09.4 live under a separate branch of the game. You can test it out and report bugs and feedback by joining our new Beta Branch steam group. The details on how to download it are listed in the Group forums.
[b]Note: You [u]MUST[/u] join the beta group in order to view and join the beta build![/b]
An ongoing changelog is listed [url=]here[/url] but in particular Patch 1.09.4 should have drastically improved hit detection, and a stable Mac build.
We'll have some servers up under this Beta Branch, and users who want to ensure that our Patch is stable can test it out. Keep in mind that by opting into the Beta Branch, you'll be unable to join servers running under 1.09.3