[h1]Before we start[/h1] Before we go any further, Server Owners please join this group for server specific announcements and help, [url=http://steamcommunity.com/groups/nmrihservers]click on this sentence to go there.[/url] The new app ID for NMRiH dedicated server is: 317670 Starting with 1.09.0 and onward [b][i]you will need to use 317670 instead of 224260[/i][/b] to get the latest and greatest server files. If your game crashes click on [url=https://github.com/ZPSNMRiHIssues/nmrihissues#if-your-game-crashes]this link[/url] and follow the directions. Patch 1.09 changelog is [url=http://steamcommunity.com/gid/103582791433979963/announcements/detail/130929425812923151]listed here[/url]. ------ Hello survivors, We have released another small hotfix, it fixes and adds the following: - Update version number from 1.09.1 to 1.09.2 - Fixed HTML motd - Players should no longer be able to kick the Listen Server host - Add the following vote cvars [list][*]sv_vote_issue_changelevel_allowed (defaults to 1)[/*] [*]sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_allowed (defaults to 1)[/*] [*]sv_vote_issue_restart_game_allowed (defaults to 1)[/*][/list] Thanks.