Hello, survivors! We hope you are enjoying our game! [b]A lot of you are having trouble joining servers. Here is what is going on:[/b] [h1]Server Issues[/h1] If you're a dedicated server host that wants to host a server for NMRiH, check this link: http://www.nomoreroominhell.com/wiki/Dedicated_Server_Setup If you want to run a listen server with your friends, check this link: http://www.nomoreroominhell.com/wiki/Listen_Server_Setup ---- [b]If you're having issues connecting to a Dedicated Server (wrong map, old class tables, etc.)[/b], that server isn't up to date. We uploaded a final prerelease patch last night, so if you haven't updated your box, get that [b]If you're having issues connecting to a Listen Server (Servers Restricted to Class C)[/b], that person is running in LAN mode. He or she needs to set sv_lan to 0, and restart the map with the changelevel command. [h1]nmo_toxteth Crashing Servers[/h1] We are aware of the map 'nmo_toxteth' crashing servers. We also have reports that it is causing some massive FPS drops. We are looking into fixing these issues. We advise all server hosts to avoid running this map until we are able to release a fix. [h1]Achievements Not Registering[/h1] It has come to our attention that some achievements are not being counted, primarily the melee kill achievements. We will have a fix for this as well ASAP. [h1]Trading Cards[/h1] We are looking into reports of trading cards having issues. Thank you all for your support! We are working to make the experience as hassle free as possible. Thanks! -Xen