Hi, We've received word of an issue that's plaguing some server owners; [url=https://github.com/ZPSNMRiHIssues/nmrihissues/issues/630]essentially they're getting a message that their server is up to date when it's clearly not in SteamCMD. This issue affects those who weren't in the initial Steam Beta Wave of NMRiH.[/url] We're planning on releasing a fix for this issue in a quick hotfix In the meantime if you're a server owner with this issue, we have a temporary solution. If you email community@nmrih.com, we'll give you a Steam key that should allow you to update your server. You'll just need to provide some details for us in the email: Server IP, Steam Group, and a link to your Steam Profile. Sorry for the inconvenience, we'll get this sorted.