[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/4458555/c89998616763da1299b82920df2669d5f08a236e.jpg[/img] A beta update is available for No More Room in Hell. The major update notes are below. A more detailed changelog will be available during the general release. The beta branch can be accessed in Steam via the Properties -> Betas tab using the access code: [code]testtest7890[/code] You may report issues or provide feedback regarding the beta here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/224260/discussions/9/ If no issues arise, we hope to release this update to all users in the coming weeks. [h1][b]Major Changes[/b][/h1] [list][*]The workshop is here! It supports custom maps and addons packaged as VPKs. [list][*]During the beta, users will need to opt in by joining the workshop group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/nmrihworkshop[/list] [*]15 new achievements are now unhidden and available! [*]Fixes of the game's networking internals including lag compensation [*]Improved demo recording/playback support, with additional features such as auto-record (see ds_ commands) [*]Over 100 changes and bug fixes to the game [*]Various UI changes including a new background and new loading dialogs [*]Starting with 1.10.0, Mac and Linux client builds are being moved to a limited support policy. These builds are untested and may contain bugs. We will no longer provide troubleshooting support for these OSes. To report any issue, please be sure that the problem is caused by NMRiH and not your runtime environment or the source engine. Issues outside the scope of this policy will not be serviced. [*]Staring with 1.10.0, running the game under dxlevels lower than 90 is unsupported. An override will be required and a warning will be printed at the top of the screen.[/list] A special thank you to all the newest members of our testing team for their help in polishing this release, and to Felis, who is our newest programmer!