Here we go again, here's tonights patch log: [quote] Maps: - nms_notld updated [list] [*]Added 1951 Truck prop by vincent [*]Fixed some nav spots [*]Added refillable generator (refill gas tank/propane with fuel pump) [*]Added refillable flame propane traps [/list] Code: [list] [*]Updated the USE/Grab detection functionality [*]Fixed flashlight beam effect not showing up [*]Made zombie sounds positional [*]Updated Mac & Linux binaries [*]Updated character select font sizes [/list] Misc: [list] [*]Fixed music script errors [*]Updated Mac & Linux binaries [*]Updated .txt files for some languages (japanese, etc.), still need to create .dats for close caption support [*]Recompiled some art props to fix some left over errors [/list] [/quote]