1.09: New GFX Options! (EXPERIMENTAL)
Author: |NMRiH Dev| Maxx,
published 10 years ago,
Hey everyone!
So you may have seen those screenshots with our new [i]EXPERIMENTAL[/i] PostFX shaders.
In 1.09, we added in four new PostFX shaders to improve the visual fidelity of the game, bring it closer to previous 7th generation titles (NMRiH is a 6th gen title, new games are 8th gen).
These four new shaders are:
[*] Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion - creates camera-based soft shadows around objects and in nooks and corners of the world to add more depth and tactility to the lighting.
Activate in Console with: [b]ae_ssao 1[/b]
[*] Depth of Field - Simulates camera distance focus (also common in the human eye). Computer screens are flat, so in a videogame if something is far away, your eyes think it is the same distance as something that is close. This effect simulates your eyes focusing on objects close up or far away, creating a subtle blurring around unfocused objects.
Activate in Console with: [b]nmrih_dof 1[/b]
[*] Lens Flare - Uses a screenspace texture and additive/multiplied color values of the lighting to create subtle light scattering artifacts based on the zenith and glancing angles of the light source vs. the camera. Don't worry, these [b]aren't[/b] JJ Abrams flares!
Activate in Console with: [b]nmrih_lensflare 1[/b]
[*] Film Grain - Simulating your favorite old horror films and our latest nod to our hero George A. Romero.
Activate in Console with: [b]nmrih_grain 1[/b]
Remember everyone that these effects are new, and they are still [b]EXPERIMENTAL[/B]. They might have bugs, they might break, they might bring your computer to sentience and begin the era of SkyNet, leading to the demise of humanity. Either way, use at your own risk. They will continue to be refined in the following updates!!
Let us know what you think in the comments below!