Note: If you find any bugs, please report them [url=]here[/url] And if your in game sound is scratchy, please delete the following files, located in: [list] [*]SteamApps/common/nmrih/nmrih/sound/sound.cache [*]SteamApps/common/nmrih/nmrih/modelsounds.cache [*]SteamApps/common/nmrih/nmrih/nmrihdir.vpk.sounds.cache [/list] Hi friends, It's been a while since we last met. Over the holidays we were hard at work on creating content for our various future patches, and on January, our core team attended the first ever Steam Dev Days event, hosted by Valve. We'll be talking more about it in a later news post, but here's a video of the game running on the Steam Machine, with Maxx ,Brentonator, essbuh, and Dman757. Here's the changelog for what's coming out today. [quote] General: [LIST] [*]Removed ModDB MotY button from main menu[/*] [*]Added me_etool to melee weapon list (You can use it as a shovel, or pick axe)[/*] [*]Added me_fubar to melee weapon list[/*] [*]Further work into reducing view model animation jitter[/*] [*]Disabled Zippo from being selected by mousewheeling through inventory[/*] [*]Corrected slight ammo capacity errors in fa_mac10 weapon script, as pointed out by people who are even bigger gun freaks than us[/*] [*]Added triggers for mappers to enable/disable the Dynamic Music System when needed[/*] [*]Fixed some small things[/*] [*]Possibly broke some other small things, for JonnyBoy0719[/*] [*]Added text files for Ukrainian localization (sorry for the wait)[/*] [*]Fixed Holster key not being binded automatically[/*] [*]Increased me_axe_fire melee range[/*] [*]Increased me_axe_fire stamina cost from 16 to 20[/*] [*]Slightly decreased me_crowbar melee range[/*] [*]Added "NMRiH Batch Compiler" tool in common\nmrih\nmrih\util folder[/*] [*]Changed version number from 1.07.5 to 1.07.6[/*] [/LIST]   Sound: [LIST] [*]Updated the main_menu.ogg file to fix a noticeable skipping issue that was giving our Music Guy a brain aneurysm everytime he played the game[/*] [*]Updated various footstep noises[/*] [*]Updated/tweaked zombie sounds[/*] [*]Tweaked weapon sounds for fa_cz858[/*] [*]Fixed most of the weapons' missing/incorrect sounds[/*] [*]Added various new enviromental sounds for mappers to use and abuse[/*] [/LIST]   Art: [LIST] [*]Added world and view models for FUBAR, E-Tool[/*] [*]Added various new art props for mappers to use and abuse[/*] [*]Updated player hand normals to receive hair pore information/blended with porky's edits.[/*] [*]updated shader properties for player hands to use lightwarp functions for details to better received[/*] [*]Fixed blood textures not appearing on the Kitchen Knife[/*] [/LIST]   Animations: [LIST] [*]Increased me_kit_knife (kitchen knife) animation speed for attacks/draw/holster[/*] [*]Changed walk empty for fa_1911[/*] [*]Did some minor tweaks to fa_cz858 animations[/*] [*]Increased me_axe_fire's world model size[/*] [/LIST]   nms_isolated: [LIST] [*]Revised lighting making it more gloomy.[/*] [*]Sloped porch roof[/*] [*]Revised props and layout of entire building[/*] [*]Moved weldable shed to the rear of the house[/*] [*]Added 3 traps, burning drum, metal fan, gas leak.[/*] [*]Added new custom props[/*] [*]Revised unlock-able location[/*] [/LIST]   nms_ransack: [LIST] [*]Revised store lighting.[/*] [*]Fixed a bug that caused the safe door to become stuck.[/*] [*]Revised environment lighting.[/*] [*]Added barrel trap and broken sign trap.[/*] [/LIST]   nms_northway: [LIST] [*]Tweaked and modified the map's soundscape[/*] [/LIST]   nms_notld: [LIST] [*]The 2013 US Polar Vortex phenomenon passed over the map and gave it lots of snow[/*] [*]Tweaked color correction[/*] [/LIST] [/quote] We'll be releasing more content in the very near future (Maps included) as well as fixing any preexisting or new issues.