Hi, Here's the overall changelog for 1.07.4, if you find any bugs please post them on our [url=https://github.com/ZPSNMRiHIssues/nmrihissues]GitHub page[/url], or email us at support@nmrih.com Expect 1.07.5 sometime next week (ideally on wednesday) [quote] General: [*]Updated version number to 1.07.4 [*]Added item_zippo (tap F to bring it out and use your attack key to light it, hold F to take it out if you have a flashlight in your inventory) [*]Fixed achievement detection for the third time (HL3 confirmed) [*]Fix viewmodel events firing after dying (spectators could use chainsaws after death) [*]Fixed First Aid Kid/Pills/Bandages showing incorrect weight values in Inventory Wheel [*]Fixed the ammo bug (if you haven't downloaded the hotfix for your server last thursday) [*]Properly added the Spanish/Russian/Italian localization files that we said were added in 1.07.3 but accidentally exempted them from the Steam update [*]Bumped up the nmo_cabin speedrun achievement requirement from 4 minutes to 5 minutes 30 seconds (due to the changes in the map) Art & Sound: [*]Updated CZ858 firing sounds [*]Added boat sounds for the Coast Guard Cutter [*]Tweaked the Baseball Bat quick swing animation so that it won't hit the ground [*]Fixed a small visual glitch with the Wrench animation [*]Changed Glock 17's animation to current M9/1911 ones & corrected the size [*]Added Tritium illumination to M9 and made the 1911's sights brighter [*]Added new models under props/industrial [*]Added various new textures by grasn nmo_cabin [*]Finished new lighting pass. [*]Added new soundscape to cave. [*]Changed all objective keys to not collide with players. [*]Added a 2nd location for generator battery making it now randomized between 2 locations. [*]Added a key/lock to the boat dock shed. [*]Added a window to the side kitchen door so you can shoot out it to cover people re-connecting the telegraph. nmo_broadway [*]Players should not get stuck in fuel objective props any longer. nmo_lakeside: [*]Added a new possible objective path [*]Fixed the rendering distance for some props (like the Chopper) [*]Added a ladder to the Satelliteā€Ž dish objective [*]Fixed the "brush gaps" under certain doors [*]Added visual indicators to help players complete the Keypad objective [*]Added boat sounds to the Coast Guard Cutter [/quote]