Hi, We just released our second patch on Steam, server hosts need to update! Changelog is listed below: [quote] Maps: - nmo_toxteth updated: [list] [*]Reduced func_vphysics_clip by 50% [/list] - nmo_chinatown updated: [list] [*]Tweaked physics clips in subway area [/list] - nms_notld updated: [LIST] [*]Changed evac expire to 60 seconds from 45 sec.[/*] [*]Changed child zombie wave to 5 from 6.[/*] [*]Changed generator run time to 30 sec from 45 sec.[/*] [*]Decreased damage from electric trap.[/*] [*]Flame thrower can now be crouched walked under when its on.[/*] [/LIST] - nms_silence updated: [list] [*]Extraction Truck now parks at the correct spot on the street [/list] Code: [LIST] [*]Made melee tracing more reliable in terms of client side impacts, and improved range on server side[/*] [*]Disable screenspace shadow for osx (Dark screen fix)[/*] [*]Reduced SKS shove damage multiplier against players.[/*] [*]Scaled blast and fire damage in FF[/*] [*]Changed player collision to a soft collision style.[/*] [*]Removed ability to duck while being grabbed.[/*] [*]Zombies now only infect when eating[/*] [*]Stats/achievements will now report to the steam servers more reliably when initial connection to steam servers fails.[/*] [*]Added the ability to shove when out of stamina, this adds a half second delay before your next shove and does not push the zombie back.[/*] [*]Tweaks to music manager states to showcase a much greater variety of tracks.[/*] [*]Hide close button on inventory crate hud[/*] [*]Thrown weapons now aim higher without having to look so far up.[/*] [*]Thrown weapons will not pass through zombies as often.[/*] [*]Give idle kick reason in booted from game message.[/*] [*]Shader optimization[/*] [*]Always play ear ringing dsp on explosion[/*] [*]General crash fixes[/*] [*]Items now drop at a more predictable angle[/*] [*]Fixed pills/walkie attached to belt blocking USE traces[/*] [*]Make weapons lower when not enough stamina to shove (firearms) or quick attack (melee)[/*] [*]Fixed infinite grenade bug[/*] [*]Added sv_lan option to server create dialog (defaults to OFF)[/*] [*]Added timer to count down the start of first round[/*] [*]Reduced initial sprint stamina penalty from 15 to 12[/*] [/LIST] [LIST] [*]Bow changes [LIST] [*]Weight reduced to 150 from 450[/*] [/LIST] [/*] [*]Hatchet Changes [LIST] [*]Weight Reduced to 100 from 200[/*] [*]Damage increased to 65/325 on standard hits/headshots from 60/250[/*] [/LIST] [/*] [*]Grenade changes [LIST] [*]Damage increased to 1000 from 350[/*] [/LIST] [/*] [*]TNT changes [LIST] [*]Damage increased to 1500 from 1000[/*] [/LIST] [/*] [*]Fist changes [LIST] [*]Given the "Blunt" damage type which adds a high chance of knockback[/*] [/LIST] [/*] [*]Lead Pipe Changes [LIST] [*]Weight reduced to 250 from 400[/*] [*]Damage increased 250 headshots from 200[/*] [/LIST] [/*] [*]Machete Changes [LIST] [*]Weight increased to 100 from 50[/*] [*]Stamina drain decreased to 13 from 16.67[/*] [*]Damage reduced to 350 on headshots from 490[/*] [/LIST] [/*] [/LIST] [/quote]