[b]Tower of Destiny room changes:[/b] [list] [*]Boiler Room: Added one more pit tile to fix discontinuous walking space with the room to the west [/list] [b]Quality of life:[/b] [list] [*]Journal observations can now be made when leaving an uncleared room [*]Mouseover now marks journal entries as read [*]Adjusted menu item colors [*]"Reset window now" changes fullscreen preference to windowed mode [*]Added keyboard debouncing on Linux to prevent extra phantom keypresses when releasing a key [*]When viewing room initial state, Leaf's entry position is now only shown if the previewed room clear state matches the current room clear state [*]Reduced gamepad detection poll rate to alleviate an issue causing keyboards to become disconnected [/list] [b]Bugfix:[/b] [list] [*]Fixed crash on startup on some Windows computers [*]Fixed game window not appearing on startup when using a pixel scale setting too large for the current display [*]Added safeguard against a rare form of room state corruption [*]Fixed mouseover regions being offset in gamepad controls menu [*]Fixed certain editor changes not showing up immediately in play mode [*]Fixed application icon not displaying correctly on Windows [/list]