Hey there! Here are some new patch notes: [h1]BATTLE[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed: Characters not being affected by lights in battle summary levels [*] Added AI able to use medical items properly [*] Added multiple new enemy type presets for survivors, bandits, and military [*] Rebalanced enemies loot [/list] [h1]WORLD MAP[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed: Crash on AMD graphic cards after finishing Hilltopshelter [*] Fixed: Inventory rotating display character [*] Fixed: item detection in slots, fixed functionality of repair kits [*] Fixed: Misleading number of enemy units on worldmap to the actuall numbers of them in Fight [*] Optimization: Worldmap - rendering distance of interactive objects was tweaked [*] Rebalanced the amount of enemies and the compositions of their groups [*] Update of the repair UI and its functionality [/list] [h1]EVENTS AND CUTSCENES[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed softlock issue in Sinkhole event [*] Fixed softlock issue in Town Beneath event [*] Fixed null icons in events [/list] [h1]GENERAL[/h1] [list] [*] Improved various UI text [/list] Thank you so much for playing the game! We're hard at work improving the game and making sure it's as good as it can be, and your feedback is invaluable in this task!