What's your recommended city?
Author: Earl Grey,
published 7 months ago,
[h2]Greetings, Survivors! [/h2]
It's only 3 weeks left until we release Infection Free Zone in Early Access! The whole team is working hard to ensure the launch is as smooth as possible. We hope you're looking forward to it as much as we are! To make this anticipation more pleasant, we want to announce that Infection Free Zone will be available with a 10% launch discount. We hope that will encourage you to join us from the very first day!
[h2]Recommended Cities[/h2]
Right now we have the following list of recommended cities in the game:
[*] Crofton, USA
[*] Dijon, France
[*] Cambridge, UK
[*] Templin, Germany
[*] Jinhua, China
[*] Tazihou, China
[*] Peschiera, Italy
[*] Atlanta, USA
[*] Oakland, USA
[*] Ruciane, Poland
[*] Guangzhou, China
The list of these places has been carefully selected. Not only all those locations should provide you with interesting gameplay, but they also significantly differ from each other. For example, Peschiera is surrounded by water and walls, which allows for effective defense against enemy hordes. But playing in Oakland will require a more strategic approach - there are not many buildings for scavenging close to the HQ and the development of the Zone needs to be carefully planned.
[h2]What's your suggestion?[/h2]
Do you think the list above is missing some great places that should be added for everyone to see? Feel free to write down the suggestions for us in the comments! Below you can find an example of another nice city that recently caught our attention when looking at different places across the world.
[h2]New languages[/h2]
We are also having a nice little surprise for all the people asking about the list of languages the game is getting translated to. Infection Free Zone will be available in [b]Italian[/b] and [b]Turkish[/b] upon launch! In total, the game will be available in 12 different languages. We will update the Steam Page with this information once we have the translations of the Steam Page ready.
Best regards,
Jutsu Games Team