[h2]Greetings, Survivors![/h2] The main narrator of our games (played by [url=https://www.imdb.com/name/nm11130303/]Ian Slessor[/url]) has a really dedicated fan base! We have seen countless players appreciating him becoming the main voice actor behind our games, including Infection Free Zone. Being fully aware of this fact, we have recently started thinking... We should combine two things players like the most - Ian's voice and the new gameplay from the game! [h2]Gameplay Overview Trailer[/h2] Watch the new Gameplay Overview Trailer and let us know what you think about it! [previewyoutube=SmgGurtXDPw;full][/previewyoutube] [b]Gameplay Overview Trailer[/b] includes a brief summary of the following elements: [list] [*] Infection Free Zone introduction and real-world maps usage, [*] Choosing HQ location, [*] Adaptation of the buildings, [*] Citizen types - squads members and workers, [*] Scavenging real-world Points of Interest. [*] Infected - their behavior and types of Infected, [*] Resources and how to obtain them, [*] Radio transmissions. [/list] We hope that you are going to have fun with this nearly 6-minute-long video, which shows the core elements of our game in further detail. Let us know if you have any questions and quoting Ian's words - see you soon in [b]your[/b] Infection Free Zone! Best regards, Jutsu Games Team