I welcome you all In the New Year! In the Demo 0.4 Update, I have quite a few things to show you! [list] [*] Firstly I've added a neat page-changing animation to Idioticron when you change pages. [*] Secondly, the Starting map has been reworked using lights so now it's extra [i]flashy[/i]. [*] Thirdly, the world-view manuals [b]"Health Exp"[/b] and[b] "Reverse World"[/b] have been given graphical effects on equip. [*] Fourthly, objects such as Gold, Exp, Chests, Room Exits, and Closed Room Exists all have been given their themed lights. [*] Fifthly, exp had been given a new high res version [/list] And that is all for this update! Thanks for reading and as always I wish you a prosperous day! Lededev