[h1]Hello there, Idiots![/h1] [h2]Leon here! [/h2] The last update was quite a long ago this was mostly because I was working on a new distortion shader. From now on, the updates will be seen more often as I'll use Idiots' Fantasy less as a learning space and give it more time. This update takes care of the spawning effects animation and sounds additionally it polishes many small parts of the game that had been left behind. Here is a list of new changes: [olist] [*] Spawn Sound Effects [*] Fireplace Sound [*] Fire Sound [*] Steve pops out Sound [*] Exp collection sound [*] Thrust sound [*] Fixed The music randomization [*] Randomise the first song played as well [*] Added Trail to the gold [*] Lowered gold light intensity from 0.4 to 0.3 [*] Lowered attack rotation [*] Added stretch in height [*] Increased Attack animation length [*] Deleted Attack animation-delay [*] Added "Version Canvas" displaying the current version of the game [*] Distortion of space on mob summon [/olist] 1: Now when an enemy is spawning one of 5 random sounds will be played. The next update is planed to occur by the end of the next month and at the latest it might appear in two months, its strongly dependent on how many features will be tackled with it. [h3]Have a prosperous day! Leon[/h3] [i]ps. Next update is going to rework barricades, re-balance the combat and more This update increases the game quality by around 5% next is planned to increase it by 10%[/i]