[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35665597/627de7aae23141e2dfd4e55cb4ec81ca1e0fb9bd.jpg[/img] With EVERSPACE™ 2, we're making a big leap from a roguelike to an open-world space shooter RPG with a 20-30 hour story campaign. Check out our first vlog giving you a glimpse of the expanded game world and the story of our upcoming game. Our creative director, Uwe Wütherich, will lead you through the beginning of the story in EVERSPACE™ 2 and the in-house production of the animated cinematics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uA8YM8dGDdc Don’t want to wait until late 2020 to play EVERSPACE™ 2 on Steam Early Access? Support us on Kickstarter and play the demo later THIS YEAR! [url=https://www.everspace.game/go/kickstarter/es2steamnews]https://www.everspace.game/go/kickstarter/es2steamnews[/url]