[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35665597/f49700d0def7b5504f647fd27d5a2440f8bd8890.jpg[/img] Hey there, pilots! Another busy month for our team has gone by with so much to talk about. Nonetheless, Erik did his best to keep the monthly recap under 4 minutes as we know you guys are busy playing tons of games, right? The June recap starts off with a slew of fresh concept art of three(!) new factions and other NPCs that will have their debut in the [i]Drake [/i]system of the upcoming summer update. Erik then talks about new challenges that will provide permanent bonuses throughout the entire game once you mastered them. Next are new consumables that have been added to the game as well as the possibility to craft consumables which was high on the community's wishlist. But that's not all! You can now craft components from resources, too, so you can build that much-desired Catalyst even though you might not have every single component in place but plenty of others — you're welcome! Another community request has been to have more ship dealers, so we made the [i]Flying Dutches[/i] sell space fighters, too, which should come in super handy, as you can call her in certain areas. It's just a first implementation, and we might extend that feature later on. The highlight of June was of course the reveal of both an icy and a fiery location in the all-new [i]Drake [/i] star system. [previewyoutube=01PuQtJlWnA;full][/previewyoutube] We know many of you guys can't wait to delve into [i]Drake[/i], but we're not quite there yet. We'll have a few more weekly streams before you can actually try out the new star system for yourselves. Make sure to stop by our weekly live streams not to miss out on the latest in development on [url=https://youtube.com/c/rockfishgames]YouTube[/url] and [url=https://www.twitch.tv/rockfishgames]Twitch[/url] every Friday 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm CEST / 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm EDT / 11:00 am to 1:00 pm PDT! Don't stop being awesome, and see you in space! 🚀🪐🙌 Michael and your dedicated ROCKFISH Games Team PS: If you'd like to see a screenshot of yours featured, like the one above by EVERSPACE 2 pilot [i]Kizaw[/i], join our [url=https://discord.gg/rockfishgames]discord[/url] and drop them pretties in the #screenshot channel.