[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35665597/77eb6223bc333edb3cfb1af42aa45955df901bd0.jpg[/img] Hey pilots, Thanks for all your feedback on the big content [i]Stinger's Debut[/i] update [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1128920/discussions/0/3266806084898010184/](0.8.25290)[/url] that dropped less than a week ago. Overall, the response from the community was very positive, but a few issues did slip through the cracks. To get those kinks ironed out, our team has been working hard to swiftly deliver this hotfix with the changes below: [h3]Tweaks[/h3] [list] [*]Balancing: Reduced EMP Generator effect duration [*]Balancing: Reduced Bloodstar Raid Plating hitpoints [*]Balancing: Adjusted Utility scaling curve for diminishing returns in late-game but greater bonus in early-game [*]Balancing: Increased drop chances for pure and flawless resources [*]Integrated localization changes suggested from Crowdin community [/list] [h3]Bugfixes[/h3] [list] [*]Fixed that during "The Magic Of Umami" while chasing Maddocks at Sato Orbit some doors were closed if side mission "Spelunking For Madcaps" was done before, resulting in a mission blocker [*]Fixed "Cargo Full" loot screen sometimes showing up after pulling multiple items at once although there still was cargo space available [*]Fixed "Cargo Full" loot screen sometimes showing invalid items after pulling multiple items at once that could result in all sorts of weird glitches including freezes and crashes [*]Fixed that players who were at "From Scratch" mission when they updated from version 0.7 to version 0.8 were unable to collect the required Aetheum crystals because of a replaced resource ID [*]Fixed "optimized" affix effect still affecting item after new catalyst has been applied [*]Fixed Gunship turret damaging the player's ship [*]Fixed that damage values displayed in device descriptions were not buffed by Utility [*]Fixed Stinger expertise falsely showing up as a passive [*]Fixed that blueprintable variants of items did not display the blueprint progress correctly [*]Fixed wrong rarities of dropped blueprints if there were no more locked blueprints for a rarity [*]Fixed that pillar-shaped asteroids in generic Zharkov locations could have wrong rotation [/list] For pilots on Gamepass for PC, this latest build has also been submitted to the Windows Store and is currently in certification. It should go live very soon. 🚀💥🙌 Don’t stop being awesome, and see you in space! Michael and your dedicated ROCKFISH Games Team PS: If you'd like to see a screenshot of yours featured, like the one above by [i]EVERSPACE 2[/i] pilot [i]Kizaw[/i], join our [url=http://discord.gg/rockfishgames]discord[/url] and drop them pretties in the #screenshot channel.