[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35665597/fa4385107d2602ccde8acd4d968a8d9e323e6f59.jpg[/img] Hey there, pilots! Earlier this year, we introduced time stamps in our gamedev & community streams for pilots wanting to skip through VODs on our [url=https://youtube.com/c/rockfishgames]YouTube channel[/url] quickly, but we felt we could do even better. Therefore, we will now have short, monthly recaps of what we have covered so far. Check out the January recap below! Ace pilots and Community Ambassador Erik summarizes design changes and QoL improvements we made recently, the upcoming changes in resources mining of the spring update as well as some concept art teasers of new sub-factions coming in the summer update. Erik will also explain a bit more about our approach of Level Scaling, and why it makes sense in a looter shooter as we know that not everyone is a fan of the mechanic when looking at it from a pure RPG perspective. [previewyoutube=60o3_deOMTU;full][/previewyoutube] Keep it civil on the forums, and see you in space! 🚀💥🙌 Michael and your dedicated ROCKFISH Games Team PS: Not enough reading material in this brief Steam news update? Well, check out my whopping 4K words-long [url=https://mic-schade.medium.com/why-i-love-sony-for-buying-bungie-6f3e3764bd39]opinion piece[/url] about Sony buying Bungie and why I (still) love Destiny 2. The focus is on Bungie's art & game design, which has been influencing our work quite a lot. In the intro, there's also a cringe [i]metaverse[/i] trailer from when our first studio was acquired back in 2000, so better buckle up! 😅 [h2][url=https://mic-schade.medium.com/why-i-love-sony-for-buying-bungie-6f3e3764bd39]Why I love Sony for Buying Bungie[/url][/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35665597/7e6eefe1fab639bacf2fc87aed900b36d14d5f85.jpg[/img]