[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35665597/2deae36426cb862162a8f79131f54c0b44c8b592.jpg[/img] Greetings Pilots! The launch of EVERSPACE 2 has been an amazing success! We’ve never seen so many pilots in-game at one time—with more than twice the copies sold compared to our first game during launch week and seven times the number of pilots in space, it’s safe to say that this launch is our best yet! We can’t thank you all enough! [h1]Legendaries[/h1] Back when we first announced Legendary items in the [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1128920/view/3479622095817450564?l=english]Ancient Rifts Early Access Update[/url], we said that due to the significantly overpowered and unique natures of these items we’d be limiting how many can be equipped at one time. Now as more and more players have hit the endgame of EVERSPACE 2, we have been hearing comments about this decision. As we continue development, our teams are discussing if there is a good solution for players who want to use more of them. The current version of EVERSPACE 2 has only been tested with a maximum of two Legendary items equipped—allowing players to use more than this limit at this time may cause game breaking bugs and we’d like to approach any possible expansion of the number of equipable Legendaries with caution. This conversation is ongoing and we’ll share more about any changes that come from decisions in future news updates. A note from our design team explaining some of the thoughts behind the design of Legendary equipment. [i]Legendaries are not supposed to be just the next rarity after "Superior" like in a lot of other games, but instead, truly special and game-changing items. We want your hard-earned Starforged Superior items to remain valuable and for you to feel rewarded for finding fun synergies. With that in mind, by only equipping a limited number of legendaries, it pushes players to make the most out of their options. This goes very much in line with the rest of the game's design philosophy, e.g. the player perks requiring you to choose between three options. There are currently 18 legendaries in the launch version of EVERSPACE 2, with one or two per equipment category. Removing the limitation entirely would mean that many players who have been diving into Ancient Rifts would likely be flying around with the exact same loadout come endgame, "Bird's Nest" for example is currently the only legendary secondary weapon. Partially because of this limitation, we decided to make legendaries properly unique and extremely powerful items you can find in-game today. We want you to have a good time in the game and be presented with proper challenges regardless of your play time. And yes, we know that for some of you a "good time" involves obliterating hordes of enemies with god-like powers and invulnerability, but that's something difficult to provide while upholding a proper balance.[/i] [h1]Gamepass Version 1.0.33479.0[/h1] Our 1.0 launch on PC Gamepass did not go as planned due to a cert error on our end, and we’re working to correct this. The version made available on PC Gamepass was very near to 1.0, but did have some known issues including certain achievements not triggering, broken plugins affecting features like DLSS and TrackIR, and most notably how cutscene videos can’t be played. Saves created in this version of EVERSPACE 2 on PC Gamepass should have no issues when switching to 1.0. Today, our 1.0.33479.0 version for PC Gamepass was accepted by Microsoft and will be available to players very soon. This build unfortunately, still contains a few of the current video issues that will be fixed in a hotfix update. Today, we’re submitting our latest build (details below) which we are confident will pass, bringing PC Gampass players with a fully up to par version of EVERSPACE 2. We’re deeply sorry about the delay. It is a fairly complex process with many changes under the hood since our last submission to full(!) certification for the Microsoft Store five years ago. We will continue to update on this topic on Discord and our social media accounts. [h1]Hotfix 1.0.33633[/h1] Thank you to everyone who has reported an issue, especially if it was done so in our Steam Community Hub bug reporting area. Today’s minor update brings a number of requested fixes and tweaks to existing features. Please note that we have not yet been able to find and fix the cause for the quite nasty and elusive "Flak Crash/Freeze". We are still investigating and hope to be able to release another hotfix for the issue soon. We cannot entirely confirm, but it may help to play in DirectX 11 instead of 12 to get rid of the problem for now. You can find the full changelog below: [h1]Changelog - 1.0.33633[/h1] [b]Tweaks[/b] [list] [*]Further performance optimizations [*]Tweaked Faction Battles in Drake that could be lost within seconds [*]Integrated localization changes suggested by Crowdin community [*]UI: Added Unreal Engine logo to startup screens [/list] [b]Bugfixes[/b] [list] [*]Fixed that main missions stopped after completing "Blakemore's Wrath" if continuing from an auto-save that was created right after mission completion. (Players affected by this can now dock to homebase and the follow-up mission will start.) [*]Fixed main mission blocker in "Crash and Burn" when managing to quickly undock from Ships & Supplies before the "undock" task was activated [*]Added missing "Change Compare Item" default binding ("Left Trigger") for Gamepad Scheme A [*]Updated one of the "vision" videos which still was an older version before [*]Fixed that "Show Current Gamepad Bindings" screen was empty for "custom" bindings [*]Fixed that achievements could fail to register when two or more achievements were unlocked at the same time [*]Fixed that force feedback effects did not get triggered when cam shakes were turned off [*]Fixed that inversion and other axis settings of some axes (especially when used with modifier buttons) did not work [*]Fixed red screen vignette flashing up when repairing hull at low HP [*]Fixed that in some instances a level up was not triggered even though XP requirements were met [*]Fixed a crash that was related to the dynamic job system [*]Fixed an edge case in side mission "Vaultworthy" which blocked the mission progress [*]Fixed "two drones with one mine" challenge not working with Teleporter's "Parting Gift" mine [*]Fixed that some bonus attributes were not working for flak cannons [*]Fixed that the warden in the main mission "Smokes & Mirrors" in Forlorn Vale could not spawn properly, resulting in a blocker [*]Fixed a missing mission hud marker in side mission "A Custom-Made Error" [*]Fixed that two "kill from a distance" challenges could not be achieved with flak cannons [*]Fixed excessive VRAM usage when playing via wine/proton and viewing animated cutscene videos [*]Fixed FSR2 plugin not being loaded on the Gamepass version [*]Fixed TrackIR not working on Gamepass due to missing NPClient.dll [*]Fixed that an intended loot drop at the end of Battle Support events did not occur [*]Fixed that in rare cases the Ceremonial Drone was still present at the end of Side Mission "The Convert" [*]Fixed that female scientist on BRI Bioplant neither had a name nor portrait assigned [*]Fixed being able to activate signal decoders in Ancient Rifts [*]Fixed that a Lava Bomb could be dropped at the 4th Socket before the 3rd in Side Mission "Gang Wars II" [*]Fixed an issue in first mission stage of "Parasite" side mission in which all awoken ships must be destroyed [*]Added missing dismantling quality bonus attributes to legendary cargo units [*]UI: Fixed that tutorial boxes could not be dismissed using keyboard or gamepad in some cases [*]UI: Fixed that ships at homebase could be changed in customization screen which could break ship layout in some cases [*]UI: Fixed that modify show preview action was active after modifying an item sometimes, even though it should be disabled [*]UI: Fixed a bug that multiple modify operations could be executed right after another in some cases [*]UI: Fixed that menu header credits delta amount could get stuck during animation [/list] [h1]In-Progress[/h1] As the team works on coming PC updates and our console release, we’ve got a number of other projects on the go! The EVERSPACE 2 digital soundtrack is in production as is a very hefty artbook, more on both of those soon. We are exploring bringing French and Japanese voice acting to EVERSPACE 2. As it takes some time to find 20+ talents, record the four-hour long script, edit recordings, add SFX, and implement the sound files in-game, we expect this new V/O will be added either in the free update or alongside our console release this summer. Physical rewards for our Kickstarter backers are in production and we expect to be able to start delivering items around or shortly after our console release. We are working with as many European and North American manufacturers as possible to reduce potential shipping delays. We’ll share more on this front with a Kickstarter Update in the near future. That’s all from our side today! See you pilots in space! Lee & your dedicated ROCKFISH team 🚀💥🙌