[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35665597/d2ca24b00beb8ada56c9897da92cdd84922fb290.jpg[/img] Hey pilots, Thanks for all your feedback on the big content update that dropped less than a week ago. Overall, the response from the community was very positive, but a few issues did slip through the cracks. To get those kinks ironed out, our team has been working hard to swiftly deliver this hotfix with the changes below: [h3]Bugfixes[/h3] [list] [*]Fixed some keys occasionally not working in menus [*]Fixed a blocker in the [i]Smoke & Mirrors[/i] mission in which the cave could not be entered [*]Fixed "Return to surface" waypoint in [i]Smoke & Mirrors[/i] mission not properly succeeding if any waypoint was missed along the way [*]Fixed a blocker in [i]In Heart Scrap[/i] mission which ended the mission after prematurely destroying the functional drill unit [*]Fixed not being able to return [i]Cephas Cabernet Sauvignon[/i] [*]Fixed Elek's HP and DPS not scaling correctly [*]Fixed special cases in which joystick keybindings were lost on restart [*]Fixed ARC-9000 explosion not damaging the player ship unless the [i]Reduced damage from ARC-9000 explosion[/i] perk was active [*]Fixed ARC-9000 explosion sometimes ignoring enemies [*]Fixed a problem in a Lost Cargo job in which a destructible wall didn't spawn mission containers correctly [*]Fixed being "nowhere" when leaving a generic job location after having loaded a manual save that was created there after having finished the job [*]Fixed being able to manually save during active tasks in job/signal locations [/list] Alrighty, this should be it until the [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1128920/view/3042715219434730207]next major content update drops in summer[/url], opening the jump gate to the third star system [i]Zharkov[/i] where new main and side missions, another companion, and lots of new secrets and activities await. As always, don't miss our weekly “ROCKFISH Recap,” hosted by our one-and-only Community Ambassador and ace pilot Erik Schrader, on [url=https://www.twitch.tv/rockfishgames]Twitch[/url] and [url=https://www.youtube.com/c/ROCKFISHGames/channels]YouTube[/url] to watch the latest dev build in action, Fridays from 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm CET / 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm EDT / 11:00 am to 1:00 pm PDT. 🚀👀💥🙌 Keep it civil on the forums, and see you in space! Michael and your dedicated ROCKFISH Games Team PS: If you'd like to see a screenshot of yours featured, like the one above by [i]EVERSPACE 2[/i] pilot [i]Kizaw[/i], join our [url=http://discord.gg/rockfishgames]discord[/url] and drop them pretties in the #screenshot channel.