[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35665597/5e3af83b97dbb488d92a2d634bfa7d89c3e06a7e.jpg[/img] Greetings, Pilots! We’ve shown parts of [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dp2LMLrPzXA]Dreadnought[/url] and [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNOLsrkpCoY]Leviathan[/url]—two new storylines introduced in our upcoming EVERSPACE 2: Titans DLC, launching [b]September 16[/b]. Both of these quest chains add new story, challenges, enemies, and most importantly, sweet new loot! We’ve shown a selection of the new legendaries, gear, and consumables in our [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dp2LMLrPzXA]Dreadnought[/url] and Leviathan streams leading up to launch. Now, it’s time to reveal a short list of MOST of the new gear found by battling the Dreadnought and exploring Leviathans. The team is still tweaking some of these effects, so what you see on day one may differ slightly from what’s described below. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35665597/75f0d51858b0b2715feb5470a12d52b5ad99fa1e.jpg[/img] [i]Live out your Trogdor fantasies in EVERSPACE 2: Titans! Be the best dragon you can be.[/i] [h3]New Legendaries[/h3] [i]Judgment Day - Mine Launcher[/i] Launches weaponized mines that fire a deadly autocannon barrage in all directions, dealing heavy damage in a radius for a short period of time. When triggered by an enemy, the mines hold their position. [i]Force Forge - Energy Core[/i] Activates all modes for the Magnetic Repulsor device. Additionally deals energy damage and kinetic damage to all affected enemies.. [i]Viscous Intent - Bio Weapon[/i] Ejects blobs of goo that stick to surfaces and enemies and explode after a short time. Enemies are slowed and receive increased damage for each blob stuck to them, stacking up to 10 times. [i]Inferno - Bio Weapon[/i] Emits a stream of super-heated plasma that sticks to surfaces and enemies, dealing additional damage for a short time. [i]XM-426 - Bio Weapon[/i] Discharges acrid projectiles that apply a stack of “Corrosive Slime”, dealing additional kinetic damage as Corrosion over time. Each stack reduces the target’s movement and fire rate. Stacks up to 6-10 times. [i]Hollow - Armor Plating[/i] Has no capacity itself but grants repair per kill directly to the hull instead. Increased hull damage reduction. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35665597/7a74f9f40c8abbe33e2e1e1b9fa7b5fc6be00b76.png[/img] [i]New item sets? Gotta collect ‘em all![/i] [h3]New Item Sets[/h3] [i]Power Oscillator Set[/i] The set is all about balancing the energy between weapons and thrusters. Set items: Munition Motor (Booster), Coulomb Collector (Cargo Unit), Dualcore Alternator (Energy Core) Set Bonus 1: Collecting energy orbs overcharges the weapon and boost energy capacity which then slowly deflates back to normal. Set Bonus 2: While boost energy is overcharged, gain increased handling. While weapon energy is overcharged, gain decreased weapon spread. [i]Symbiosis Set[/i] Spores are great. Nothing wrong ever comes from spores. [b]Set items:[/b] Exoskeleton (Plating), Suffusion Field (Shield), Impulse Modulator (Energy Core), Transfusion Missiles (Homing Missiles) [b]Set Bonus 1:[/b] Destroyed debuffed targets will leave behind a mending spores field for a short time that restores some hull and armor over time when flying through it. [b]Set Bonus 2:[/b] Mending spores will provide 2 random buffs and remove previous ones. [b]Set Bonus 3:[/b] Destroying an enemy will refresh active timers on buffs granted by mending spores. [i]Together We Stand Set[/i] Inspired by wingmates from the Dreadnought storyline. [b]Set items:[/b] Cardéna’s Support (Pulse Laser), Yuen’s Escape (Booster), XR’s Ingenuity (Cargo Unit), Rakhima’s Foresight (Sensor) [b]Set Bonus 1:[/b] While under target lock, the ship can deploy a grabbable decoy that redirects the incoming missile. [b]Set Bonus 2:[/b] While in combat, an armed holographic ship will materialize nearby and obliterate smaller targets. [b]Set Bonus 3:[/b] Destroying an enemy will create a panzer bomb which can either be shot to detonate, or can be grabbed and thrown. Deals heavy area damage. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35665597/2a6beadeda4894591beb3bf9a3fab7382a8bfbd9.jpg[/img] [i]Brood Mines swarm and shred enemy ships. Fun to watch, not so fun to have happen to you. [/i] New Non-Legendary Weapons [i]Cardéna’s Support - Pulse Laser[/i] Part of the Together We Stand Set Energy arsenal with an engagement detection system calibrated to increase the fire rate as more friendies are detected nearby. Increases fire-rate for every friendly unit within range up to a certain point. [i]Brood Mines - Mine Launcher[/i] Packed with eggs of metal-eating annelid spaceworms that hatch on impact and attack in swarms. Upon detonation, the mine releases a creature swarm that seeks out and attacks nearby enemies. [i]Spore Missiles - Homing Missiles[/i] Warheads with heavily compressed chambers of neuroinfectious chemicals that flood into life support systems. Applies the Confused condition for a short time. [i]Cluster Mines - Mine Launcher[/i] Inspired by an old design by Dr. Vohs, these proximity mines are packed in loosened racks that spread after launch. Upon detonation, the mine scatters into many smaller proximity mines. [i]EMP Mines - Mine Launcher[/i] Miniaturized EMP devices packed with proximity sensors that arc toward and short out nearby power sources. Mines deal their damage over 8s and apply EMP to affected enemies. [i]Multi-Coil - Coil Gun[/i] Multi-chamber mass driver with understandable spread, downsized to fit on the wings of a spacecraft. Additional projectiles per shot. [i]High Fire-Rate (HFR) Flak - Flak[/i] Cannon with shorter launch tubes and smaller rounds that sacrifice attack range, spread and radius for a healthy fire rate increase. [i]Siege Cannon - Gauss Cannon[/i] Destructive ordnance that dumps generated energy into inertial dampening systems to avoid overheating while locking movement. Decreased ship speed while firing. [i]Tail Mines - Mine Launcher[/i] Drops mine behind the player instead of launching in front. [i]Transfusion Missiles - Homing Missiles[/i] Part of the Symbiosis Set Parasite-like missile that intrusively binds itself to defense systems and feeds energy back to the launcher. 'Missiles deal their damage over time and restore your ship for the respective amount. [i]Endo Pulsator - Pulse Laser[/i] Altered pulse weaponry that launches endothermic particles, capable of converting disabled target systems into pure energy. Fully restore weapon energy if the target's shield or armor has been depleted with this weapon. [i]Initiator - Rail Gun[/i] Controversial yet effective long range ambush weaponry known for a wide variety of petty and efficient tactics. Unaware targets receive increased damage and reduced speed for a short period of time. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35665597/ace1fb3c4021e27c374d25e96a95c488a02f4c8a.png[/img] [i]New gear means new builds to tackle those 2000 lunacy rifts![/i] [h3]New Gear[/h3] [i]Scrap Screen - Plating[/i] Meticulously crafted plating that utilizes technology from outdated drone disassembler devices, automatically. 'Slowly dismantle enemy drones in range into armor hitpoints. [i]Twin Surge - Booster[/i] Multipurposed engine module coupled to a second capacitor which force-feeds energy once a threshold is reached. After boosting a short time, gain additional boost speed. [i]Impulse Modulator - Energy Core[/i] Part of Symbiosis Set Brain-like core that treats the ship as a living organism and produces mechanical adrenaline when under stress. A percentage of incoming damage also restores weapon and boost energy for the respective amount. [i]Coulomb Collector - Cargo Unit[/i] Part of Power Oscillator Set Thoughtfully designed cargo containment system that detects and collects expended energy charges. Attacks that break a target's shield will drop an energy orb. [i]Dualcore Alternator - Energy Core[/i] Part of the Power Oscillator Set Dual capacitor design that feeds energy into itself through a complex assortment of alternating channels. While firing, gain increased boost output. While boosting, gain increased weapon output. [i]Exoskeleton - Plating[/i] Part of the Symbiosis Set Tendon-like armor that stretches across and binds itself so tightly that armor restoration also applies to the ship hull. Repair per kill applies to the hull so long as armor is full. [i]Munition Motor - Booster[/i] Part of the Power Oscillator Set Augmented engine paired with a power controller that attunes weapon systems the longer it runs. Boosting increases weapon range, increases weapon velocity, and reduces weapon spread by a percentage every second, to a maximum. [i]Rakhima’s Foresight - Sensor [/i] Part of the Together We Stand Set Scanning unit hardwired directly with primary weapons to subvert charge requirements by making weapons "see" a full charge before they actually do. 'Chargeable weapons gain increased charge speed. Suffusion Field (Shield) Part of the Symbiosis Set Organic-based fast-flowing recompensation shield which allows bypassing delays via excessive force. Repair percentage of all hull damage dealt as shield hitpoints with each hit. [i]XR’s Ingenuity - Cargo Unit[/i] Part of the Together We Stand Set Heavily repurposed shipping container using mine launcher salvage that further weaponize any launched mines. Mines deal increased damage. [i]Yuen’s Escape - Booster[/i] Part of the Together We Stand Set Compact thrust design inspired by the Striker that triggers an emergency injection system when target locked. Increased boost speed while under missile lock. [h3]New Catalysts[/h3] [i]Attribute Amplification[/i] Increases a module's attribute bonuses. [i]Auto-Collector (Cargo Unit-only)[/i] Resource nodes within range will be automatically mined over a short time. [i]Auto-Dismantler (Cargo Unit-only)[/i] Collected weapons and modules up to rare rarity are dismantled and provide credits. [i]Evolution[/i] After 100 kills, increase the weapon’s damage. Adds an additional increase after 300 kills. After 1000 kills, this weapon will receive an additional bonus attribute. [i]Homing (Scatter Guns & Blasters-only)[/i] Only for scatter guns and blasters. Adds homing to projectiles [i]Overpenetration[/i] Adds significant shield and armor piercing, but target hull cannot be damaged beyond 1%. [i]Shield Strike[/i] Firing weapons will drain your ship's shield but increase your weapon's energy and kinetic damage. [i]Solo[/i] Increases the weapon's kinetic and energy damage and fire rate so long as it is the only installed primary weapon. [i]Symbiosis[/i] Counts as part of the "Symbiosis" item set. [i]Together We Stand[/i] Counts as part of the "Together We Stand" item set. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35665597/9945623c5806c23dd12abb725adb90178439f3b2.jpg[/img] [i]You can’t see me, but I can see you! Smokescreens are great for close combat.[/i] [h3]New Consumables[/h3] [i]Armor Repair[/i] Fully repair armor, superior rarity. [i]Musk Ejector[/i] Used to get the "attractant condition" so the Leviathan can be lured out quicker. [i]Secondaries Resupply[/i] Restock a large portion of max secondary ammo, superior rarity. [i]Smokescreen[/i] Creates a smoke cloud field with a large radius. Enemies inside will lose their target and have a decreased detection range. All ships inside are invisible to the ships outside. Player sees ships inside the field with a holographic effect. Lasts a moderate period of time. [i]Radial Repulsor[/i] Releases a shockwave outward from the ship that forcibly pushes surrounding medium and smaller enemies within range. [i]ULT Recharge[/i] Fully recharge Ultimate, Superior rarity. That’s a titanic list of new gear for a titanic DLC! All of these items and the new resources needed to craft many of them will only be found by battling the Dreadnought and exploring inside Leviathans. See you in the Stars! Lee and your ROCKFISH Games team