Hello everyone! This is Moto, a planner from Asteroid Studio! It has been a month since the release of "Esports Godfather". To help coaches understand the new content we've added this month, I'm providing a summary of all the new additions we made in June. Additionally, we will release a summary of the updates at the end of each month. Coaches who want to keep up with our updates can follow along. [h2]1. Character Routine Trait Events[/h2] We've created exclusive events for each Routine Trait of the players. As the game progresses, coaches can trigger these events at different times. Some will provide rewards, while others might bring some fun (hopefully). [h2]2. 15 New Equipment Items[/h2] A MOBA game without equipment lacks soul, so we've created a lot of new gear for coaches to choose from this month. The specific equipment includes: A MOBA game without equipment lacks soul, so we've created a lot of new gear for coaches to choose from this month. The specific equipment includes: [h3][b]“AP+100" Sword:[/b][/h3] 100 attack power — Beauty in numbers is still beauty. [h3][b]Square Steel: [/b][/h3] 40 attack power / 200 HP / 2 presence Effect: At the beginning of a fight, gain 3% of equipped hero's Attack Power Armor. [h3][b]Whip of Obedience: [/b][/h3] 75 attack power Effect: Attack ignores target unit's 20 Armor. —— Undoubtedly, 1000Wateri's beloved treasure. [h3][b]Iron Tire:[/b][/h3] 5 presence Effect: Battlefield: Increase 1 Armor when taking damage. Combat: Increase 1 Armor when hit by attacks. [h3][b]Wanted Order: [/b][/h3] 300 HP Effect: Apply 150 bounty to all enemy heroes when this equipment is activated. [h3][b]Mask of Fury: [/b][/h3] 10 attack power / 15% crit rate / 10% crit damage Effect: When critting, increases crit damage by 5%, stacks up to 3 times. [h3][b]Heaven Sword: [/b][/h3] 55 attack power / 25% crit rate Effect: When attacking a target with higher current HP than equipped hero, deal additional 35% damage. [h3][b]Dragon Slayer: [/b][/h3] 500 HP Effect: When attacking a target with a lower Max HP than equipped hero, increase Attack Power by 40. This effect can stack up to 5 times, but only once per round. — Even if a hero has both these weapons, they won't gain divine power. [h3][b]Feather of Phenix: [/b][/h3] 40 attack power Effect: When this hero's HP drops to 0 for the first time, restore 500 HP. [h3][b]Shock Wave: [/b][/h3] 35 attack power Effect: Generates a "Shockwave" card in the hand. "Shockwave" card: Starts with 10 counters. Can only be played with 10 counters. Chooses an enemy hero to attack, then removes all counters. Returns to hand immediately after being played. [h3][b]Demon's Scythe: [/b][/h3] 20 attack power Effect: Each time an attack hits, deal additional 4% of the target's HP damage, ignoring Armor. [h3][b]Vessel of Doom: [/b][/h3] 70 attack power Effect: Deal additional 30% damage to the first attack target (or a random target if it's an AoE attack), effective once per round." [h3][b]Fountain of Corruption: [/b][/h3] 45 attack power Effect: When activated, gains 1 stack of "Corrupt Power" each turn, up to 10 stacks. Automatically gains 10 stacks at the start of the decisive battle. Corrupt Power: Deals additional damage equal to 10% per stack to the first target (or a random target if it's an area attack), then removes the effect. [h3][b]Nice Guy Card:[/b][/h3] 200 HP Effect: Generates a "Good Person Card" in the hand. "Good Person Card": Choose a friendly hero to gain the "Good Person" effect, which cannot stack. "Good Person" effect: Gains a shield equal to [80 * hero level] when entering battle. [h3][b]Angel Jiejie's Redemption:[/b][/h3] 200 HP Effect: When the equipped hero participates in a kill, all surviving friendly heroes share a shield equal to [50 * hero level]. [h2]3. 2 New Version Rules[/h2] Along with the new equipment and heroes, we've also added two new version rules. Have the coaches developed new winning strategies under these rules? The specific rules are: [h3][b] - Battlefield attacks or auto-consumption deals an extra 1 damage to turrets. When destroying a turret, all friendly heroes gain 100 gold. - All equipment prices increased by 500 gold. Kill and assist rewards reduced by 25%.[/b][/h3] [h2]4. New Hero "Felyn"[/h2] Felyn is the first new hero we introduced. Do the coaches like this marksman who can be used in the top lane? For detailed hero information, please click [url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/1278540/announcements/detail/4192369369655654960]here[/url]. [h2]5. Steam Achievements[/h2] How can a game be without an achievement system?! We designed and created the achievement system for "Esports Godfather", including some regular achievements for traditional processes, special fun achievements, and some challenging high-difficulty achievements for hardcore coaches to tackle. [h2]6. Save Slots Expanded to 30[/h2] After the release, we received a lot of feedback from coaches wanting more save slots. After intense programming efforts, the save slots have now been expanded to 30, so coaches don't need to worry about running out of slots anymore. [h2]7. Import and Export of Coach Notes[/h2] Although we created the coach notes feature for coaches to fill in their exclusive notes based on their understanding of the game, who doesn't like to copy notes? [h2]8. Events Related to Medals[/h2] We've created some events that can provide medals to coaches. The triggers for these events vary depending on the current club level. These events not only provide medals but also offer other rewards. If the medal is not to the coach's liking, they can choose other rewards. [h2]9. New Interview Questions and Answer Options[/h2] At the time of the game's release, the interview system's questions and answers were somewhat lacking. So we added some new questions and answer options. Additionally, considering the feedback that some answers were not aggressive enough, we've added some more aggressive options. Of course, the choice of how to answer is still up to the coaches. [h2]10. Retake Breakthrough Events[/h2] Many coaches have mentioned that due to misclicks or other reasons, they assigned their players breakthrough tasks that were hard to complete, causing these players to fall behind. Now we've added a series of retake breakthrough task events. When a player fails to complete their breakthrough task after three consecutive matches, a retake breakthrough task event is triggered, allowing coaches to choose whether to change the breakthrough task. [h2]11. Other User-Friendly Features and Tips[/h2] We've added many user-friendly features and display tips to enhance the gaming experience for coaches. They include: [h3][b] - The ability to change illustrations for random players and the player viewing interface. - The option to customize the assistant's name when choosing an assistant. - A new "Auto-play Event Dialogues" option in settings. - A new "Frame Rate Limit" option in settings. - The ability to sort player trade market offers by price during the transfer period. - Displaying the number of players in each position on the transaction processing page. - Adding completion prompts for one-time monthly goals from sponsors. - Adding range prompts for all daily training related to ranges. - Adding a prompt for surplus experience points distribution for players. - Confirming the final lineup during the transfer period. - Adding a settings button to the UI before entering combat. - Adding a button to display play rules during BP. - Adding a hero action table to the rule book. - Adding the ability to view regular season data on the info page. - Adding a medal type display to the hover tooltip for monthly goals. - Adding a tree diagram display for club upgrade items. - Adding a "Continue Game" feature (auto-loads the last played save file).[/b][/h3] Finally, thank you again for your love and support for "Esports Godfather". Feel free to join our Discord or follow our X for discussions and feedback. Discord: https://discord.com/invite/Wpf6y7kFjp Twitter (X) https://twitter.com/1000_Water_