Hi, everyone! Achievement is online today. Here are some frequently asked questions about achievements: Q: Do achievements need to be completed in a new game? A: Except for the "Hell Journey" series of achievements, all others can be completed in existing saves. Q: For example, if there's an achievement that requires me to be promoted to the League 1 and my save is already in the Super League, will it unlock? A: Some achievements read your save file's history, such as "Promoted to the League 1" and "Gain 100,000 Fans". If you have already met the conditions, they will unlock immediately upon loading your save. However, some achievements might require you to meet the conditions again, such as "Ordinary Punch". Q: Why did I unlock many achievements as soon as I started the game? A: This is because the achievement interface in our client was completed a few days ago. If you met the conditions for any achievements in the last two days, they would automatically unlock. For example, if you dealt 9999 damage in a single hit yesterday, the "Ordinary Punch" achievement would unlock immediately after today's update. Q: How do I obtain the "Hell Journey" series of achievements? A: You need to start a new game and select the "Hell" difficulty in the initial customization options, then begin the game. Q: Does the "Hell Journey" really not allow me to change any other settings, even "Prior Use MOD Appearance"? A: The "Hell" difficulty doesn't lock all option selections, such as "Prior Use MOD Appearance". In practice, you can choose other sub-options first and then select "Hell" last. To ensure your achievement unlocks, make sure the "Hell" difficulty button is highlighted when you start the game. As shown in the image below: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//39512508/b54268d5ec6367000652b24ee6bcf8f1da7898a2.png[/img]