[h1]Hello there![/h1] Winter is coming, elves! Happy New Year! We've completed internal animations for all buildings. Additionally, we've started to gain some coverage, which has revealed a lot of issues! :D Consequently, we've dedicated time to addressing numerous crashes—some are listed here, while others we couldn't recall at this point. Nevertheless, we hope this effort has enhanced the overall demo stability, ensuring a much smoother experience for you. Changes include: [list] [*] Bakery animated [*] Wheat thrasher animated [*] Brewery animated and redrawn [*] Rebalanced jam and flour production - now 5 base resources required for both [*] Bakery now alternates productions [*] Druid now don't locks on hunger Bugfixes: [*] Save/load now fixed - yay! [*] Specialist rest crash fixed [*] Crash on elfs forgetting themselfs fixed [*] Crash on dropping selection on dead elf fixed [/list] Don't loose yourself in the fog and have fun with the demo! thundercatofdoom and CleDeSol.