[h1]Hello there, elfs![/h1] We proudly introduce a game update! (actually, we had two updates already, just didn't announce one on steam) With this update we fixed most of UI issues (widgets floating further away from objects, opening inconveniently with buttons under cursor, etc). Also, we finalized "basic" city building mechanics - with addition of buildings dismantling and elfs switching back from some profession to carriers, player now have proper control over their resources! Overall changes include: [list] [*] Building, elf, tree and bush widgets are now glued to left screen corner [*] Building dismantle mechanic [*] Elf specialist demote to carrier mechanic [*] Elf builder don't swing hammer, if no resources for build [/list] We hope you will have lots of fun with the game! Don't loose yourself in the fog, thundercatofdoom and CleDeSol