[h1]Elfs, we meet again![/h1] We started development having really "basic" UI-placeholder elements. At some point in development we replaced them with nice-looking hand drawn UI, which really sets a tone for whole thing! Now, it's time to do the same for in-game sprtie work, and we began by replacing very primal building - stone quarry. It recieved new sprite, as well as animation of worker inside it! Also, we analysed some feedback from players and adjusted mechanincs a little bit - still looking for balance between difficulty and comfort there. From game vibe perspective we introduced atmosphere sounds, and adjusted some button presses/events. Still work with a custom engine and had to put some time and effort into it, fine-tuning and making development a little less tedious. Changes include: [list] [*] Druid now is glewed to LMB, when selected [*] New sprite for stone quarry [*] Stones replaced with stone pillars [*] Animated miner in quarry [*] Extracted stone is now displayed [*] Song fine-tuning [*] Various sounds adjustmens, added atmosphere sounds [*] Tooltips added to build menu [*] Druid now have "quick find" button [*] Builder now interrupts work in case of hunger/tiredness [*] Various additions to engine [/list] As always, we hope you won't loose yourself in the fog and have fun with the demo! thundercatofdoom and CleDeSol. P.S. also we have a sound guy, and he complained we never mention him, so his photo on the background