Hello folks! We are bringing some of the requested quality of life changes as well as bug fixes. Here are the patch notes: [h1]Quality of Life Updates[/h1] [list] [*] Trap Selection section of the Workshop now displays what the trap does with a video when you hover over type selection for the trap. [*] You can now skip tutorials indivually at main base. You still need to play the movement tutorials and introduction level at the beginning. We are working on a way that you can skip whole tutorials when you start a new save file. [*] Win Screen at the end of the level now shows how many Dual Mix, Triad and Elemental Flux combos you got. Hovering over the combo symbols now shows a small description for what you need to do to achieve these combo types. [*] Hovering over Victory Skulls at the Win Screen now displays a small information screen right below, showing what needs to be done for Flawless Victory and your score compared to that. [/list] [h1]Bug Fixes[/h1] [list] [*] Bug where you cannot sell traps after building a tower; unless you right click, has been fixed. [*] Bug where Bird Clockwork - Electric does not apply conditions have been fixed. [*] Bug where Acid Tower's range is not shown correctly through ground layers have been fixed. [*] Some localization has been fixed for items. [/list] This will be all for this patch. Patch will be live for main game, demo and prologue. Don' forget to join our discord or write in our discussion forums when you have feedback! Cheers!