[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41068993/e44f515fdc67acfcc4bca00e2a8a9f209f0d4f3f.gif[/img] Hello everyone! We have been working on improving the game feel and controls last week. Here is a rundown : - Added a third attack to the melee attack combo, with slower recovery frames. - Final attack of the melee combo deals 1.5 of regular damage. - Final attack of the melee has a larger area of effect. - Stamina consumption has been added to the melee attacks. You cannot make an attack if you don't have enough stamina. - Combo attack persistence have been added to melee attacks. (Character remembers his last attack up to a second, and performs next attack when the melee attack input comes. This allows several combos such as Melee hit 1 - Hop Back - Melee Hit 2 - Dodge in - Melee hit 3). - Melee attack damage have been increased 33% (90=>120). - Enemies stagger longer when they have been hit by a melee attack. With these changes we aim to make a melee attack become more dynamic for hardcore players, while still retaining simple approach for more casual ones. - Blunderbuss reload have been implemented. - Blunderbuss pellet number has been increased from 8 to 14. - Blunderbuss pellet damage have been increased from 25 to 30. - Blunderbuss reload animation can be cancelled with dodge, skills or weapon swaps. - Added a new bullet effect Blunderbuss. - Blunderbuss pellets now do not travel till they hit, it has a medium range (75 percent from mid to edge of screen, approximately). We aim to make Blunderbuss a close-mid range weapon that can deal high damage. We are aware of the situation this version of melee weapon and Blunderbuss can feel similar as both are for close range even though they have their own differences. As we add more weapons, we will return to solve the situation if it still persists. As for the bugfix and backend improvements : - First time you change direction with melee attacks did not hit before, this has been fixed. - Sound effect of Training Button has been fixed. - Stamina usage system have been revamped to include more actions, and be easier to modify. - Pellet's visuals and colliders have been optimised to use less processing power. As what we are working on next: - We are working on Level up system. We have tried various experience increment curves. And we have been adapting all maths to Unity. In this way , we have developed a level up simulation. Thus we can also check all possibility. - We will add a poise system to the game, so not every hit from an enemy will interrupt you. - We are working on new levels with their visuals. That would be all for this week, cheers 👋