[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41068993/e44f515fdc67acfcc4bca00e2a8a9f209f0d4f3f.gif[/img] [h1]GAMEPLAY CHANGES[/h1] [list] [*] Enemy visuals while making an attack has been updated. Now a yellow exclamation mark appears above when they are attacking. Ranged projectile visuals are also updated to be more visible. [*] Frozen Corner's & Lava Passage's first waves has been adjusted for an easier difficulty with increased starting resources. [*] If you finish the level as Flawless you can earn extra bonus when you finished the level again any victory type. We will look into other ways, such as more side missions, to farm extra resources as the EA progress. [/list] [h1]UI / UX UPDATES[/h1] [list] [*] When your skill goes off cooldown, now they flash white. Cooldown counters and charge numbers are added to the skill bar. [/list] [h1]BUG & CRASH FIXES[/h1] [list] [*] We have deployed a possible fix for Frozen Corner Level Completion Screen crash. If you are still having the problem please share it with us. [*] The issue that some usernames are not showing up on the Leaderboards has been fixed. [*] CrankGun shoot effect bug has been resolved. [*] Enemies no longer stuck in walls. [/list] [h1]LOCALIZATION[/h1] [list] [*] We've made some adjustments in Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese - Brazil languages. [/list] We are still working on accesibility options, such as Keybinding, Windowed Mode and Screen Shake. You can visit our Discord server to check out what we are currently working on leave any feedback you wish!