Hello good folk! We are bringing traps, balance and QoL changes. Here are the patch notes: [h2]New Traps[/h2] We reworked the Ceiling Acid Trap and brought its variants in. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41068993/c61e68b6c8fa4735cd62da1839cac71c67daa35a.gif[/img] [list] [*] Ceiling Acid Trap has been renamed to Ceiling Liquid Trap - Acid. It is now a 2x2 instead of 3x2 placement, and it's damage has been reduced from 1800 acid damage over 3 seconds to 1600 acid damage in 4 seconds. [*] New variant for the Ceiling Liquid Trap, Water Jet - Deals 100 physical damage per second, and wets enemies underneath, lasting 6 seconds. While hitting, it is conductive and travels electricity. [*] New variant for the Ceiling Liquid Trap, Burning Oil - Applies oiled condition to enemeis and immediately ignites them. It can also ignite other ignitables. [/list] [h2]Balance Changes[/h2] Small balance changes for Crank Gun and a rework for one of the Mechanical Booby Trap variants. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41068993/5c2d4a2576907fee2a4bd19fdae02e07a9c36fb7.gif[/img] [list] [*] Crank gunk reload system has been changed from constantly increasing to an instant increase at the end of animation. A full animation fills 1/5 of the full charge (1/2 for the Bolt Gun). This fastens reload system roughly by 50% (almost double for Bolt Gun). [*] Maximum number of shots at full charge for Bolt Gun has been increased from 10 to 15 at base. [*] Bolt Gun no longer shoots immediately at the beginning of shooting animation. [/list]We are aware of Bolt Gun is the most underperforming ranged weapon right now. We will monitor the effects of these changes and will make adjustments in the future updates. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41068993/e2d7c9dd69ab320c01ced7723c785a3360787075.gif[/img] [list] [*] Mechanical Booby Trap - Caltrop has been reworked into Mechanical Booby Trap - Gatherer. It now sends out chains and pulls them back, gathering enemies on itself in the process. [/list] [h2]Quality of Life Updates[/h2] [list] [*] Ceiling traps now become transparent when Bellator is underneath or when you move the cursor around them while in the combat phase. They also become transparent when you move cursor directly on them while in placement phase. [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] A bug where Lanterns can still shoot and kill you after you win the game has been fixed. [*] Numerous wrong texts for English Localization has been fixed, including infamous text for Health Burst ability on weapons. [/list] This update will go live for both main game and prologue versions. Cheers!