vEA_07b Update!
Author: Team Machiavelli,
published 9 months ago,
We brought several small updates into various parts of the game.
[h3]Warroom Updates[/h3]
[*] 2 new buttons added in Warroom to go directly into Workshop or Armamentarium.
[*] Updated enemy info in the Warroom. Now you can see the upcoming enemies of the selected level with a revamped Enemy info screen.
[h3]In Game Enemy Info Updates[/h3]
[*] Updated the visuals for Enemy Info in maps to match it Warroom version and support large number of enemies.
[h3]Craft Menu Updates[/h3]
[*] In Craft Menu, crafting materials is auto selected if you have enough materials.
[*] In Craft Menu, type and selected materials are no longer reset to default after crafting the item.