Pause Menu Update
Author: Hal0Badger,
published 6 months ago,
Hello folks! We are making a small update for Castle of Alchemists to update the Pause Menu with new features, as well as bringing some small bug fixes and balancing changes for the new boss.
Here are the patch notes:
[*] Pause menu now includes your equipment. You can check the stats on them by simply hovering over them.
[*] Pause menu now includes options for Music Volume, SFX Volume, Shake Amount, Windowed Mode, and CRT effects.
[*] Pause menu now includes the Challenges for the given map.
[*] Deadly Blow effect reduced from "25% of Current Health as damage" to "2.5% of Current Health as damage" for bosses only.
[*] Culling Blow deals flat +500 unrestricted damage to bosses instead of instantly killing them if they are below 35% of maximum hit points.
[h2]BUG FIXES[/h2]
[*] Fixed a minor bug where the boss gets stuck in an animation after killing the main character.
[*] Fixed a couple of minor visual bugs in the UI.
[*] Fixed the tileset of Ironworks level.
[*] Fixed the wave info for Ironworks level.
The update will be available for both the prologue version and the main game version.
We are aware of other issues you reported too, and are working on them.