Hello people! Steam Awards are here along with the Autumn Sale and we need your help with nominations! [b]You can support us by nominating "Castle Of Alchemists" for the "Best Soundtrack" category from the widget above.[/b] We're very proud of our awesome OST created by the one man army, Mehmet Can Güler, and we hope you also enjoy our soundtrack enough to nominate us for this category. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41068993/5a83598777378feb0032af845724b00a69a59fb3.png[/img] If you'd like to support us further, you can do so by purchasing the OST! steam://openurl/https://store.steampowered.com/app/2483020/Castle_Of_Alchemists_Soundtrack/?snr=1_5_1100__1100&utm_source=steamwidget